Nitin Tandon
Nitin Tandon
Professor, Depts of Neurosurgery and Pediatric Surgery, UT Health, Houston TX
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Intracranial EEG reveals a time-and frequency-specific role for the right inferior frontal gyrus and primary motor cortex in stopping initiated responses
N Swann, N Tandon, R Canolty, TM Ellmore, LK McEvoy, S Dreyer, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (40), 12675-12685, 2009
Roles for the pre-supplementary motor area and the right inferior frontal gyrus in stopping action: electrophysiological responses and functional and structural connectivity
NC Swann, W Cai, CR Conner, TA Pieters, MP Claffey, JS George, ...
Neuroimage 59 (3), 2860-2870, 2012
Frequency-specific network connectivity increases underlie accurate spatiotemporal memory retrieval
AJ Watrous, N Tandon, CR Conner, T Pieters, AD Ekstrom
Nature neuroscience 16 (3), 349-356, 2013
Column‐based model of electric field excitation of cerebral cortex
PT Fox, S Narayana, N Tandon, H Sandoval, SP Fox, P Kochunov, ...
Human brain mapping 22 (1), 1-14, 2004
Prognostic validation of a new classification system for extent of resection in glioblastoma: A report of the RANO resect group
P Karschnia, JS Young, A Dono, L Häni, T Sciortino, F Bruno, ST Juenger, ...
Neuro-oncology 25 (5), 940-954, 2023
Variability of the relationship between electrophysiology and BOLD-fMRI across cortical regions in humans
CR Conner, TM Ellmore, TA Pieters, MA DiSano, N Tandon
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (36), 12855-12865, 2011
Analysis of morbidity and outcomes associated with use of subdural grids vs stereoelectroencephalography in patients with intractable epilepsy
N Tandon, BA Tong, ER Friedman, JA Johnson, G Von Allmen, ...
JAMA neurology 76 (6), 672-681, 2019
A lexical semantic hub for heteromodal naming in middle fusiform gyrus
KJ Forseth, CM Kadipasaoglu, CR Conner, G Hickok, RT Knight, ...
Brain 141 (7), 2112-2126, 2018
Stereotactic laser ablation of epileptogenic periventricular nodular heterotopia
Y Esquenazi, GP Kalamangalam, JD Slater, RC Knowlton, E Friedman, ...
Epilepsy research 108 (3), 547-554, 2014
Chronometric electrical stimulation of right inferior frontal cortex increases motor braking
JR Wessel, CR Conner, AR Aron, N Tandon
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (50), 19611-19619, 2013
Laser ablation for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: surgical and cognitive outcomes with and without mesial temporal sclerosis
C Donos, J Breier, E Friedman, P Rollo, J Johnson, L Moss, S Thompson, ...
Epilepsia 59 (7), 1421-1432, 2018
Cerebral radiation necrosis: incidence, pathogenesis, diagnostic challenges, and future opportunities
FS Ali, O Arevalo, S Zorofchian, A Patrizz, R Riascos, N Tandon, A Blanco, ...
Current oncology reports 21, 1-17, 2019
A network approach for modulating memory processes via direct and indirect brain stimulation: toward a causal approach for the neural basis of memory
K Kim, AD Ekstrom, N Tandon
Neurobiology of learning and memory 134, 162-177, 2016
The survival advantage of “supratotal” resection of glioblastoma using selective cortical mapping and the subpial technique
Y Esquenazi, E Friedman, Z Liu, JJ Zhu, S Hsu, N Tandon
Neurosurgery 81 (2), 275-288, 2017
Spatiotemporal dynamics of orthographic and lexical processing in the ventral visual pathway
O Woolnough, C Donos, PS Rollo, KJ Forseth, Y Lakretz, NE Crone, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (3), 389-398, 2021
Anatomic and electro-physiologic connectivity of the language system: a combined DTI-CCEP study
CR Conner, TM Ellmore, MA DiSano, TA Pieters, AW Potter, N Tandon
Computers in biology and medicine 41 (12), 1100-1109, 2011
Comparison of minimally invasive and traditional surgical approaches for refractory mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of outcomes
K Kohlhase, JP Zöllner, N Tandon, A Strzelczyk, F Rosenow
Epilepsia 62 (4), 831-845, 2021
Temporal lobe white matter asymmetry and language laterality in epilepsy patients
TM Ellmore, MS Beauchamp, JI Breier, JD Slater, GP Kalamangalam, ...
Neuroimage 49 (3), 2033-2044, 2010
Recursive grid partitioning on a cortical surface model: an optimized technique for the localization of implanted subdural electrodes
TA Pieters, CR Conner, N Tandon
Journal of neurosurgery 118 (5), 1086-1097, 2013
Intensity modulation of TMS‐induced cortical excitation: Primary motor cortex
PT Fox, S Narayana, N Tandon, SP Fox, H Sandoval, P Kochunov, ...
Human brain mapping 27 (6), 478-487, 2006
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