Andreas Frommer
Andreas Frommer
Professor für Angewandte Informatik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
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H-Splittings and two-stage iterative methods
A Frommer, DB Szyld
Numerische Mathematik 63, 345-356, 1992
On asynchronous iterations
A Frommer, DB Szyld
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 123 (1-2), 201-216, 2000
Convergence of relaxed parallel multisplitting methods
A Frommer, G Mayer
Linear Algebra and its Applications 119, 141-152, 1989
Efficient schemes for nearest neighbor load balancing
R Diekmann, A Frommer, B Monien
Parallel computing 25 (7), 789-812, 1999
Numerical methods for the QCDd overlap operator. I. Sign-function and error bounds
J van den Eshof, A Frommer, T Lippert, K Schilling, HA van der Vorst
Computer physics communications 146 (2), 203-224, 2002
Adaptive aggregation-based domain decomposition multigrid for the lattice Wilson--Dirac operator
A Frommer, K Kahl, S Krieg, B Leder, M Rottmann
SIAM journal on scientific computing 36 (4), A1581-A1608, 2014
Restarted GMRES for shifted linear systems
A Frommer, U Glässner
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 19 (1), 15-26, 1998
Many masses on one stroke: Economic computation of quark propagators
A Frommer, B Nöckel, S Güsken, T Lippert, K Schilling
International Journal of Modern Physics C 6 (05), 627-638, 1995
Fast CG-based methods for Tikhonov--Phillips regularization
A Frommer, P Maass
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 20 (5), 1831-1850, 1999
BiCGStab (ℓ) for families of shifted linear systems
A Frommer
Computing 70 (2), 87-109, 2003
Weighted max norms, splittings, and overlapping additive Schwarz iterations
A Frommer, DB Szyld
Numerische Mathematik 83, 259-278, 1999
Accelerating Wilson fermion matrix inversions by means of the stabilized biconjugate gradient algorithm
A Frommer, V Hannemann, B Nöckel, T Lippert, K Schilling
International Journal of Modern Physics C 5 (06), 1073-1088, 1994
Matrix functions
A Frommer, V Simoncini
Model order reduction: theory, research aspects and applications, 275-303, 2008
An algebraic convergence theory for restricted additive Schwarz methods using weighted max norms
A Frommer, DB Szyld
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 39 (2), 463-479, 2001
Asynchronous two-stage iterative methods
A Frommer, DB Szyld
Numerische Mathematik 69 (2), 141-153, 1994
Efficient and stable Arnoldi restarts for matrix functions based on quadrature
A Frommer, S Güttel, M Schweitzer
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 35 (2), 661-683, 2014
Algebraic theory of multiplicative Schwarz methods
M Benzi, A Frommer, R Nabben, DB Szyld
Numerische Mathematik 89, 605-639, 2001
Numerical challenges in lattice quantum chromodynamics: joint interdisciplinary workshop of John von Neumann institute for computing, Jülich, and Institute of Applied Computer …
A Frommer, T Lippert, B Medeke, K Schilling
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
A parallel SSOR preconditioner for lattice QCD
S Fischer, A Frommer, U Glässner, T Lippert, G Ritzenhöfer, K Schilling
Computer Physics Communications 98 (1-2), 20-34, 1996
Asynchronous weighted additive Schwarz methods
A Frommer, H Schwandt, DB Szyld
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 5, 48-61, 1997
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Articles 1–20