Robert Gottstein
Robert Gottstein
Technische Universität Darmstadt
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Noftl: Database systems on ftl-less flash storage
S Hardock, I Petrov, R Gottstein, A Buchmann
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6 (12), 1278-1281, 2013
From in-place updates to in-place appends: Revisiting out-of-place updates on flash
S Hardock, I Petrov, R Gottstein, A Buchmann
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data …, 2017
Page size selection for OLTP databases on SSD storage
I Petrov, R Gottstein, T Ivanov, D Bausch, A Buchmann
Journal of Information and Data Management 2 (1), 11-11, 2011
DBMS on modern storage hardware
I Petrov, R Gottstein, S Hardock
2015 IEEE 31st International Conference on Data Engineering, 1545-1548, 2015
MV-PBT: multi-version index for large datasets and HTAP workloads
C Riegger, T Vinçon, R Gottstein, I Petrov
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.08023, 2019
Append storage in multi-version databases on flash
R Gottstein, I Petrov, A Buchmann
Big Data: 29th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 2013, Oxford …, 2013
Revisiting DBMS space management for native flash
S Hardock, I Petrov, A Buchmann, R Gottstein
Advances in database technology: EDBT 2016; 19th International Conference on …, 2016
MV-IDX: indexing in multi-version databases
R Gottstein, R Goyal, S Hardock, I Petrov, A Buchmann
Proceedings of the 18th International Database Engineering & Applications …, 2014
SI-CV: Snapshot isolation with co-located versions
R Gottstein, I Petrov, A Buchmann
Topics in Performance Evaluation, Measurement and Characterization: Third …, 2012
Selective in-place appends for real: Reducing erases on wear-prone dbms storage
S Hardock, I Petrovy, R Gottstein, A Buchmann
2017 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1375-1376, 2017
Aspects of append-based database storage management on flash memories
R Gottstein, I Petrov, A Buchmann
DBKDA 2013, the Fifth International Conference on Advances in Databases …, 2013
Noftl for real: Databases on real native flash storage
S Hardock, I Petrov, R Gottstein, A Buchmann
Advances in database technology-EDBT 2015: 18th International Conference on …, 2015
SIAS-Chains: Snapshot Isolation Append Storage Chains.
R Gottstein, I Petrov, S Hardock, AP Buchmann
ADMS@ VLDB, 50-57, 2017
Impact of new storage technologies on an OLTP DBMS, its architecture and algorithms.
R Gottstein
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2016
Data-intensive systems on evolving memory hierarchies
I Petrov, D Bausch, R Gottstein, A Buchmann
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2012
Read optimisations for append storage on flash
R Gottstein, I Petrov, A Buchmann
Proceedings of the 17th International Database Engineering & Applications …, 2013
SIAS-V in Action: Snapshot Isolation Append Storage - Vectors on Flash
AB Robert Gottstein, Thorsten Peter, Ilia Petrov
17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 624-627, 2014
Multi-version databases on flash: Append storage and access paths
R Gottstein, I Petrov, A Buchmann
Relation 1 (T2), T3, 2013
FBARC: I/O Asymmetry Aware Buffer Replacement Strategy.
P Dubs, I Petrov, R Gottstein, AP Buchmann
ADMS@ VLDB, 58-69, 2013
In-place appends for real: Dbms overwrites on flash without erase
S Hardock, I Petrov, R Gottstein, A Buchmann
Advances in database technology-EDBT 2017: 20th International Conference on …, 2017
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Articles 1–20