Maria Celeste Pereira Dias
Maria Celeste Pereira Dias
University of Coimbra and University of Aveiro
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Plant flavonoids: Chemical characteristics and biological activity
MC Dias, DCGA Pinto, AMS Silva
Molecules 26 (17), 5377, 2021
Drought and salinity stress responses and microbe-induced tolerance in plants
Y Ma, MC Dias, H Freitas
Frontiers in plant science 11, 591911, 2020
Cadmium toxicity affects photosynthesis and plant growth at different levels
MC Dias, C Monteiro, J Moutinho-Pereira, C Correia, B Gonçalves, ...
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 1-9, 2013
Limitations of photosynthesis in Phaseolus vulgaris under drought stress: gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and Calvin cycle enzymes
MC Dias, W Brüggemann
Photosynthetica 48, 96-102, 2010
Chromium (VI) induces toxicity at different photosynthetic levels in pea
E Rodriguez, C Santos, R Azevedo, J Moutinho-Pereira, C Correia, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 53, 94-100, 2012
Phytotoxicity: An overview of the physiological responses of plants exposed to fungicides
MC Dias
Journal of botany 2012 (1), 135479, 2012
Water stress and recovery in the performance of two Eucalyptus globulus clones: physiological and biochemical profiles
B Correia, M Pintó‐Marijuan, L Neves, R Brossa, MC Dias, A Costa, ...
Physiologia Plantarum 150 (4), 580-592, 2014
Is the interplay between epigenetic markers related to the acclimation of cork oak plants to high temperatures?
B Correia, L Valledor, M Meijon, JL Rodriguez, MC Dias, C Santos, ...
PLoS One 8 (1), e53543, 2013
Rapid clonal multiplication of Lavandula viridis L'Her through in vitro axillary shoot proliferation
MC Dias, R Almeida, A Romano
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 68 (1), 99-102, 2002
Chlorophyll fluorescence and oxidative stress endpoints to discriminate olive cultivars tolerance to drought and heat episodes
MC Dias, S Correia, J Serôdio, AMS Silva, H Freitas, C Santos
Scientia Horticulturae 231, 31-35, 2018
Aluminium long-term stress differently affects photosynthesis in rye genotypes
S Silva, G Pinto, MC Dias, CM Correia, J Moutinho-Pereira, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 54, 105-112, 2012
Strategies and prospects for biostimulants to alleviate abiotic stress in plants
Y Ma, H Freitas, MC Dias
Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 1024243, 2022
Cadmium-induced cyto-and genotoxicity are organ-dependent in lettuce
C Monteiro, C Santos, S Pinho, H Oliveira, T Pedrosa, MC Dias
Chemical Research in Toxicology 25 (7), 1423-1434, 2012
The antioxidant system in Olea europaea to enhanced UV-B radiation also depends on flavonoids and secoiridoids
MC Dias, DCGA Pinto, H Freitas, C Santos, AMS Silva
Phytochemistry 170, 112199, 2020
Changes in the metabolome of lettuce leaves due to exposure to mancozeb pesticide
SI Pereira, PI Figueiredo, AS Barros, MC Dias, C Santos, IF Duarte, ...
Food Chemistry 154, 291-298, 2014
Effects of water deficit on the activity of nitrate reductase and content of sugars, nitrate and free amino acids in the leaves and roots of sunflower and white lupin plants …
MJ Correia, F Fonseca, J Azedo‐Silva, C Dias, MM David, I Barrote, ...
Physiologia Plantarum 124 (1), 61-70, 2005
Lead induces oxidative stress in Pisum sativum plants and changes the levels of phytohormones with antioxidant role
MC Dias, N Mariz-Ponte, C Santos
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 137, 121-129, 2019
Photosynthesis light-independent reactions are sensitive biomarkers to monitor lead phytotoxicity in a Pb-tolerant Pisum sativum cultivar
E Rodriguez, M da Conceição Santos, R Azevedo, C Correia, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 574-585, 2015
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles impaired both photochemical and non-photochemical phases of photosynthesis in wheat
MC Dias, C Santos, G Pinto, AMS Silva, S Silva
Protoplasma 256, 69-78, 2019
Differential inhibition of photosynthesis under drought stress in Flaveria species with different degrees of development of the C4 syndrome
MC Dias, W Brüggemann
Photosynthetica 45, 75-84, 2007
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