Heike Wetzel
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Testing for economies of scope in European railways: an efficiency analysis
C Growitsch, H Wetzel
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP) 43 (1), 1-24, 2009
The costs of power interruptions in germany: A regional and sectoral analysis
C Growitsch, R Malischek, S Nick, H Wetzel
German Economic Review 16 (3), 307-323, 2015
The efficiency of German public theaters: A stochastic frontier analysis approach
AK Last, H Wetzel
Journal of cultural economics 34, 89-110, 2010
Determinants of individual sustainable investment behavior-A framed field experiment
G Gutsche, H Wetzel, A Ziegler
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 209, 491-508, 2023
Efficiency effects of observed and unobserved heterogeneity: Evidence from Norwegian electricity distribution networks
C Growitsch, T Jamasb, H Wetzel
Energy Economics 34 (2), 542-548, 2012
Baumol’s cost disease, efficiency, and productivity in the performing arts: an analysis of german public theaters
AK Last, H Wetzel
Journal of cultural economics 35, 185-201, 2011
Transport and CO2: Productivity Growth and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the European Commercial Transport Industry
L Krautzberger, H Wetzel
Environmental and Resource Economics 53, 435-454, 2012
Who wants to get involved? Determining citizen willingness to participate in German renewable energy cooperatives
B Fischer, G Gutsche, H Wetzel
Energy Research & Social Science 76, 102013, 2021
The impact of ownership unbundling on cost efficiency: Empirical evidence from the New Zealand electricity distribution sector
M Filippini, H Wetzel
Energy Economics 45, 412-418, 2014
Design of regional flexibility markets for electricity: A product classification framework for and application to German pilot projects
E Heilmann, N Klempp, H Wetzel
Utilities Policy 67, 101133, 2020
Competing in the higher education market: empirical evidence for economies of scale and scope in German higher education institutions
M Olivares, H Wetzel
CESifo Economic Studies 60 (4), 653-680, 2014
European railway deregulation: the influence of regulatory and environmental conditions on efficiency
H Wetzel
Working Paper Series in Economics, 2008
Energy prices, technological knowledge, and innovation in green energy technologies: a dynamic panel analysis of European patent data
J Kruse, H Wetzel
CESifo Economic Studies 62 (3), 397-425, 2016
Productivity growth in European railways: technological progress, efficiency change and scale effects
H Wetzel
Working Paper Series in Economics, 2008
Firm characteristics and the ability to exercise market power: empirical evidence from the iron ore market
R Germeshausen, T Panke, H Wetzel
Empirical Economics 58, 2223-2247, 2020
“I take the green one”: The choice of regional green electricity contracts in the light of regional and environmental identity
L Fait, ED Groh, H Wetzel
Energy Policy 163, 112831, 2022
Effizienzmessverfahren: eine Einführung
AK Last, H Wetzel
Working Paper Series in Economics, 2009
The hidden cost of investment: the impact of adjustment costs on firm performance measurement and regulation
S Nick, H Wetzel
Journal of Regulatory Economics 49, 33-55, 2016
Status for the good guys: An experiment on charitable giving
A Dannenberg, O Johansson‐Stenman, H Wetzel
Economic Inquiry 60 (2), 721-740, 2022
Regionale wertschöpfung in der windindustrie am beispiel nordhessen
M Gottschalk, C Hoppenbrock, L Kucharczak, S Schäfer, H Wetzel, ...
Report by Instituts für dezentrale Energietechnologien, commissioned by SUN …, 2016
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