Neeraj Sarna
Neeraj Sarna
Munich RE
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Hierarchical Boltzmann simulations and model error estimation
M Torrilhon, N Sarna
Journal of Computational Physics 342, 66-84, 2017
On stable wall boundary conditions for the Hermite discretization of the linearised Boltzmann equation
N Sarna, M Torrilhon
Journal of Statistical Physics 170, 101-126, 2018
Data-driven model order reduction for problems with parameter-dependent jump-discontinuities
N Sarna, P Benner
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 387, 114168, 2021
Stable boundary conditions and discretization for PN equations
J Bünger, N Sarna, M Torrilhon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.02497, 2020
Convergence Analysis of Grad's Hermite Expansion for Linear Kinetic Equations
N Sarna, J Giesselmann, M Torrilhon
SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis 58 (2), 1164–1194, 2020
Entropy stable Hermite approximation of the linearised Boltzmann equation for inflow and outflow boundaries
N Sarna, M Torrilhon
Journal of Computational Physics 369, 16-44, 2018
Hyper-reduction for parametrized transport dominated problems via online-adaptive reduced meshes
N Sarna, S Grundel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.06362, 2020
Simultaneous-approximation-term based boundary discretization for moment equations of rarefied gas dynamics
N Sarna, H Kapadia, M Torrilhon
Journal of Computational Physics 407, 109243, 2020
Data-driven snapshot calibration via monotonic feature matching
N Sarna, J Giesselmann, P Benner
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 230, 104065, 2024
Moment Method for the Boltzmann Equation of Reactive Quaternary Gaseous Mixture
N Sarna, G Oblapenko, M Torrilhon
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 574 (125874), 2021
Grad’s moment equations for binary hard sphere gas-mixtures
VK Gupta, N Sarna, M Torrilhon
Proceedings of 4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2014), University …, 2014
Distribution-free risk assessment of regression-based machine learning algorithms
S Singh, N Sarna, Y Li, Y Li, A Orfanoudaki, M Berger
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.03545, 2023
On the moments of the Boltzmann’s collision operator arising from chemical reactions
N Sarna, M Torrilhon
AIP Conference Proceedings 1786 (1), 2016
Learning reduced order models from data for hyperbolic PDEs
N Sarna, P Benner
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.06156, 2021
A Positive and Stable L2-minimization Based Moment Method for the Boltzmann Equation of Gas dynamics
N Sarna
Journal of Computational Physics 440, 2021
Quantifying Correlations of Machine Learning Models
Y Li, N Sarna, Y Lin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.03937, 2025
An In-Depth Examination of Risk Assessment in Multi-Class Classification Algorithms
D Ghandwani, N Sarna, Y Li, Y Lin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.04166, 2024
Hyper-reduction for parametrized transport dominated problems via adaptive reduced meshes
S Grundel, N Sarna
Partial Differential Equations and Applications 5 (1), 3, 2024
Stable Boundary Conditions and Discretization for PN Equations
J Bünger, N Sarna, M Torrilhon
Journal of Computational Mathematics 40 (6), 2022
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