Matthias J Wieser
Matthias J Wieser
Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL
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Faces in context: A review and systematization of contextual influences on affective face processing
MJ Wieser, T Brosch
Frontiers in psychology 3, 471, 2012
Is eye to eye contact really threatening and avoided in social anxiety?—An eye-tracking and psychophysiology study
MJ Wieser, P Pauli, GW Alpers, A Mühlberger
Journal of anxiety disorders 23 (1), 93-103, 2009
Early cortical processing of natural and artificial emotional faces differs between lower and higher socially anxious persons
A Mühlberger, MJ Wieser, MJ Herrmann, P Weyers, C Tröger, P Pauli
Journal of neural transmission 116, 735-746, 2009
Fear of negative evaluation and the hypervigilance-avoidance hypothesis: an eye-tracking study
MJ Wieser, P Pauli, P Weyers, GW Alpers, A Mühlberger
Journal of neural transmission 116, 717-723, 2009
Facial mimicry and the mirror neuron system: simultaneous acquisition of facial electromyography and functional magnetic resonance imaging
KU Likowski, A Mühlberger, ABM Gerdes, MJ Wieser, P Pauli, P Weyers
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 214, 2012
Auditory cortex activation is modulated by emotion: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study
MM Plichta, ABM Gerdes, GW Alpers, W Harnisch, S Brill, MJ Wieser, ...
Neuroimage 55 (3), 1200-1207, 2011
Don't look at me in anger! Enhanced processing of angry faces in anticipation of public speaking
MJ Wieser, P Pauli, P Reicherts, A Mühlberger
Psychophysiology 47 (2), 271-280, 2010
Probing the attentional control theory in social anxiety: An emotional saccade task
MJ Wieser, P Pauli, A Mühlberger
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 9 (3), 314-322, 2009
Emotional pictures and sounds: a review of multimodal interactions of emotion cues in multiple domains
ABM Gerdes, MJ Wieser, GW Alpers
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1351, 2014
Not so harmless anymore: How context impacts the perception and electrocortical processing of neutral faces
MJ Wieser, ABM Gerdes, I Büngel, KA Schwarz, A Mühlberger, P Pauli
NeuroImage 92, 74-82, 2014
Virtual social interactions in social anxiety—the impact of sex, gaze, and interpersonal distance
MJ Wieser, P Pauli, M Grosseibl, I Molzow, A Mühlberger
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 13 (5), 547-554, 2010
Why are you looking like that? How the context influences evaluation and processing of human faces
KA Schwarz, MJ Wieser, ABM Gerdes, A Mühlberger, P Pauli
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 8 (4), 438-445, 2013
Psychological placebo and nocebo effects on pain rely on expectation and previous experience
P Reicherts, ABM Gerdes, P Pauli, MJ Wieser
The Journal of Pain 17 (2), 203-214, 2016
The impact of changes in spatial distance on emotional responses.
A Mühlberger, R Neumann, MJ Wieser, P Pauli
Emotion 8 (2), 192, 2008
Sustained preferential processing of social threat cues: bias without competition?
MJ Wieser, LM McTeague, A Keil
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 23 (8), 1973-1986, 2011
Distinct effects of attention and affect on pain perception and somatosensory evoked potentials
R Kenntner-Mabiala, M Andreatta, MJ Wieser, A Mühlberger, P Pauli
Biological psychology 78 (1), 114-122, 2008
Emotion processing in Parkinson's disease: dissociation between early neuronal processing and explicit ratings
MJ Wieser, A Mühlberger, GW Alpers, M Macht, H Ellgring, P Pauli
Clinical Neurophysiology 117 (1), 94-102, 2006
Brain activations to emotional pictures are differentially associated with valence and arousal ratings
ABM Gerdes, MJ Wieser, A Mühlberger, P Weyers, GW Alpers, MM Plichta, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 4, 175, 2010
Fear conditioning and stimulus generalization in patients with social anxiety disorder
LM Ahrens, P Pauli, A Reif, A Mühlberger, G Langs, T Aalderink, ...
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 44, 36-46, 2016
Social vision: sustained perceptual enhancement of affective facial cues in social anxiety
LM McTeague, JR Shumen, MJ Wieser, PJ Lang, A Keil
Neuroimage 54 (2), 1615-1624, 2011
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