Manuel Corpas
Cited by
Cited by
DECIPHER: Database of Chromosomal Imbalance and Phenotype in Humans Using Ensembl Resources
HV Firth, SM Richards, AP Bevan, S Clayton, M Corpas, D Rajan, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 84 (4), 524-533, 2009
BioJS: an open source JavaScript framework for biological data visualization
J Gómez, LJ García, GA Salazar, J Villaveces, S Gore, A García, ...
Bioinformatics 29 (8), 1103-1104, 2013
Genome sequencing of the staple food crop white Guinea yam enables the development of a molecular marker for sex determination
M Tamiru, S Natsume, H Takagi, B White, H Yaegashi, M Shimizu, ...
BMC biology 15, 1-20, 2017
Four simple recommendations to encourage best practices in research software
RC Jiménez, M Kuzak, M Alhamdoosh, M Barker, B Batut, M Borg, ...
F1000Research 6, 2017
Genomic diagnosis of rare pediatric disease in the United Kingdom and Ireland
CF Wright, P Campbell, RY Eberhardt, S Aitken, D Perrett, S Brent, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 388 (17), 1559-1571, 2023
DECIPHER: web-based, community resource for clinical interpretation of rare variants in developmental disorders
GJ Swaminathan, E Bragin, EA Chatzimichali, M Corpas, AP Bevan, ...
Human molecular genetics 21 (R1), R37-R44, 2012
GOBLET: the global organisation for bioinformatics learning, education and training
TK Atwood, E Bongcam-Rudloff, ME Brazas, M Corpas, P Gaudet, ...
PLoS computational biology 11 (4), e1004143, 2015
Ten simple rules for organizing an unconference
A Budd, H Dinkel, M Corpas, JC Fuller, L Rubinat, DP Devos, ...
PLoS computational biology 11 (1), e1003905, 2015
Transferability of genetic risk scores in African populations
AB Kamiza, SM Toure, M Vujkovic, T Machipisa, OS Soremekun, C Kintu, ...
Nature Medicine 28 (6), 1163-1166, 2022
APPLaUD: access for patients and participants to individual level uninterpreted genomic data
A Thorogood, J Bobe, B Prainsack, A Middleton, E Scott, S Nelson, ...
Human genomics 12, 1-6, 2018
A FAIR guide for data providers to maximise sharing of human genomic data
M Corpas, NV Kovalevskaya, A McMurray, FGG Nielsen
PLoS computational biology 14 (3), e1005873, 2018
The GOBLET training portal: a global repository of bioinformatics training materials, courses and trainers
M Corpas, RC Jimenez, E Bongcam-Rudloff, A Budd, MD Brazas, ...
Bioinformatics 31 (1), 140-142, 2015
A quick guide for building a successful bioinformatics community
A Budd, M Corpas, MD Brazas, JC Fuller, J Goecks, NJ Mulder, M Michaut, ...
PLoS computational biology 11 (2), e1003972, 2015
Ten simple rules for organizing a scientific meeting
M Corpas, N Gehlenborg, SC Janga, PE Bourne
PLoS computational biology 4 (6), e1000080, 2008
Personal Genome Project UK (PGP-UK): a research and citizen science hybrid project in support of personalized medicine
BMC medical genomics 11, 1-12, 2018
Lessons from Fraxinus, a crowd-sourced citizen science game in genomics
G Rallapalli, Fraxinus Players, DGO Saunders, K Yoshida, A Edwards, ...
Elife 4, e07460, 2015
Anatomy of BioJS, an open source community for the life sciences
G Yachdav, T Goldberg, S Wilzbach, D Dao, I Shih, S Choudhary, ...
Elife 4, e07009, 2015
BioJS: an open source standard for biological visualisation–its status in 2014
M Corpas, R Jimenez, SJ Carbon, A García, L Garcia, T Goldberg, ...
F1000Research 3, 2014
Is SARS-CoV-2 the only cause of long-COVID?
I Pintos, V Moreno-Torres, F Ibánez-Estéllez, P Corrales-Rodriguez, ...
AIDS Reviews, 2022
Crowdsourced direct-to-consumer genomic analysis of a family quartet
M Corpas, W Valdivia-Granda, N Torres, B Greshake, A Coletta, A Knaus, ...
BMC genomics 16, 1-16, 2015
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Articles 1–20