Benoit Cornu
Benoit Cornu
Phd, Davidson SI Nord
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Cited by
Dynamic patch generation for null pointer exceptions using metaprogramming
T Durieux, B Cornu, L Seinturier, M Monperrus
2017 IEEE 24th International conference on software analysis, evolution and …, 2017
B-Refactoring: Automatic test code refactoring to improve dynamic analysis
J Xuan, B Cornu, M Martinez, B Baudry, L Seinturier, M Monperrus
Information and Software Technology 76, 65-80, 2016
Npefix: Automatic runtime repair of null pointer exceptions in java
B Cornu, T Durieux, L Seinturier, M Monperrus
arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.07423, 2015
Exception handling analysis and transformation using fault injection: Study of resilience against unanticipated exceptions
B Cornu, L Seinturier, M Monperrus
Information and Software Technology 57, 66-76, 2015
Challenging analytical knowledge on exception-handling: An empirical study of 32 Java software packages
M Monperrus, MG de Montauzan, B Cornu, R Marvie, R Rouvoy
Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Lille, 2014
Casper: Automatic tracking of null dereferences to inception with causality traces
B Cornu, ET Barr, L Seinturier, M Monperrus
Journal of Systems and Software 122, 52-62, 2016
Dynamic analysis can be improved with automatic test suite refactoring
J Xuan, B Cornu, M Martinez, B Baudry, L Seinturier, M Monperrus
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.01883, 2015
Casper: Debugging null dereferences with ghosts and causality traces
B Cornu, E Barr, L Seinturier, M Monperrus
CoRR, abs/1502.02004, 2015
Casper: Debugging Null Dereferences with Dynamic Causality Traces
B Cornu, ET Barr, L Seinturier, M Monperrus
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.02004, 2015
Automatic Analysis and Repair of Exception Bugs for Java Programs
B Cornu
Université de Lille, 2015
Casper: using ghosts to debug null deferences with dynamic causality traces
B Cornu
2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering 2 …, 2015
Analyse et réparation automatique des bugs liés aux exceptions dans les programmes Java
B Cornu
Analytical Knowledge About Exception Handling
B Cornu, R Marvie, M Monperrus, M de Montauzan, R Rouvoy
Reasoning and Improving on Software Resilience against Unanticipated Exceptions
B Cornu, L Seinturier, M Monperrus
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.0191, 2013
Characterizing, Verifying and Improving Software Resilience with Exception Contracts and Test Suites
B Cornu, L Seinturier, M Monperrus
Benevol 2013, 2013
Automated runtime software repair
B Cornu, M Monperrus
GDR GPL 2013, 2013
Resilience with Exception Contracts and Test Suites
B Cornu, L Seinturier, M Monperrus
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Articles 1–17