Weizong Xu
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Cited by
Ultrastrong Mg alloy via nano-spaced stacking faults
WW Jian, GM Cheng, WZ Xu, H Yuan, MH Tsai, QD Wang, CC Koch, ...
Materials Research Letters 1 (2), 61-66, 2013
Strain hardening and ductility in a coarse-grain/nanostructure laminate material
XL Ma, CX Huang, WZ Xu, H Zhou, XL Wu, YT Zhu
Scripta Materialia 103, 57-60, 2015
Effect of carbon nanotube length on thermal, electrical and mechanical properties of CNT/bismaleimide composites
X Wang, Q Jiang, W Xu, W Cai, Y Inoue, Y Zhu
Carbon 53, 145-152, 2013
Significant hardening due to the formation of a sigma phase matrix in a high entropy alloy
MH Tsai, H Yuan, G Cheng, W Xu, WW Jian, MH Chuang, CC Juan, ...
Intermetallics 33, 81-86, 2013
In-situ atomic-scale observation of irradiation-induced void formation
W Xu, Y Zhang, G Cheng, W Jian, PC Millett, CC Koch, SN Mathaudhu, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2288, 2013
Morphology, structure and composition of precipitates in Al0. 3CoCrCu0. 5FeNi high-entropy alloy
MH Tsai, H Yuan, G Cheng, W Xu, KY Tsai, CW Tsai, WW Jian, CC Juan, ...
Intermetallics 32, 329-336, 2013
Effect of Ag on interfacial segregation in Mg–Gd–Y–(Ag)–Zr alloy
H Zhou, GM Cheng, XL Ma, WZ Xu, SN Mathaudhu, QD Wang, YT Zhu
Acta Materialia 95, 20-29, 2015
Physics and model of strengthening by parallel stacking faults
WW Jian, GM Cheng, WZ Xu, CC Koch, QD Wang, YT Zhu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (13), 2013
Grain size effect on deformation mechanisms of nanocrystalline bcc metals
GM Cheng, WW Jian, WZ Xu, H Yuan, PC Millett, YT Zhu
Materials Research Letters 1 (1), 26-31, 2013
Strain-induced microstructure refinement in pure Al below 100 nm in size
W Xu, XC Liu, K Lu
Acta Materialia 152, 138-147, 2018
Grain size effect on radiation tolerance of nanocrystalline Mo
GM Cheng, WZ Xu, YQ Wang, A Misra, YT Zhu
Scripta Materialia 123, 90-94, 2016
Carbide characterization in a Nb-microalloyed advanced ultrahigh strength steel after quenching–partitioning–tempering process
XD Wang, WZ Xu, ZH Guo, L Wang, YH Rong
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (15), 3373-3378, 2010
Strong and conductive dry carbon nanotube films by microcombing
L Zhang, X Wang, W Xu, Y Zhang, Q Li, PD Bradford, Y Zhu
Small 11 (31), 3830-3836, 2015
Quantitative atomic resolution elemental mapping via absolute-scale energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
Z Chen, M Weyland, X Sang, W Xu, JH Dycus, JM LeBeau, AJ d'Alfonso, ...
Ultramicroscopy 168, 7-16, 2016
A deep convolutional neural network to analyze position averaged convergent beam electron diffraction patterns
W Xu, JM LeBeau
Ultramicroscopy 188, 59-69, 2018
Measurement of microstructural parameters of nanocrystalline Fe–30 wt.% Ni alloy produced by surface mechanical attrition treatment
W Li, W Xu, X Wang, Y Rong
Journal of alloys and compounds 474 (1-2), 546-550, 2009
A new metastable precipitate phase in Mg–Gd–Y–Zr alloy
H Zhou, WZ Xu, WW Jian, GM Cheng, XL Ma, W Guo, SN Mathaudhu, ...
Philosophical Magazine 94 (21), 2403-2409, 2014
Direct conversion of h-BN into c-BN and formation of epitaxial c-BN/diamond heterostructures
J Narayan, A Bhaumik, W Xu
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (18), 2016
High-temperature grain size stabilization of nanocrystalline Fe–Cr alloys with Hf additions
L Li, M Saber, W Xu, Y Zhu, CC Koch, RO Scattergood
Materials Science and Engineering: A 613, 289-295, 2014
Structure and chemistry of passivated SiC/SiO2 interfaces
J Houston Dycus, W Xu, DJ Lichtenwalner, B Hull, JW Palmour, ...
Applied Physics Letters 108 (20), 2016
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Articles 1–20