James B Shanley
James B Shanley
U.S. Geological Survey
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Who needs environmental monitoring?
GM Lovett, DA Burns, CT Driscoll, JC Jenkins, MJ Mitchell, L Rustad, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5 (5), 253-260, 2007
Carbon isotope fractionation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) due to outgassing of carbon dioxide from a headwater stream
DH Doctor, C Kendall, SD Sebestyen, JB Shanley, N Ohte, EW Boyer
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 22 (14), 2410-2423, 2008
Taking the pulse of snowmelt: in situ sensors reveal seasonal, event and diurnal patterns of nitrate and dissolved organic matter variability in an upland forest stream
BA Pellerin, JF Saraceno, JB Shanley, SD Sebestyen, GR Aiken, ...
Biogeochemistry 108, 183-198, 2012
Dissolved organic nitrogen budgets for upland, forested ecosystems in New England
JL Campbell, JW Hornbeck, WH McDowell, DC Buso, JB Shanley, ...
Biogeochemistry 49, 123-142, 2000
The effect of frozen soil on snowmelt runoff at Sleepers River, Vermont
JB Shanley, A Chalmers
Hydrological Processes 13 (12‐13), 1843-1857, 1999
High‐frequency dissolved organic carbon and nitrate measurements reveal differences in storm hysteresis and loading in relation to land cover and seasonality
MCH Vaughan, WB Bowden, JB Shanley, A Vermilyea, R Sleeper, ...
Water Resources Research 53 (7), 5345-5363, 2017
A hydrometric and geochemical approach to test the transmissivity feedback hypothesis during snowmelt
KA Kendall, JB Shanley, JJ McDonnell
Journal of Hydrology 219 (3-4), 188-205, 1999
Sources, transformations, and hydrological processes that control stream nitrate and dissolved organic matter concentrations during snowmelt in an upland forest
SD Sebestyen, EW Boyer, JB Shanley, C Kendall, DH Doctor, GR Aiken, ...
Water Resources Research 44 (12), 2008
Controls on old and new water contributions to stream flow at some nested catchments in Vermont, USA
JB Shanley, C Kendall, TE Smith, DM Wolock, JJ McDonnell
Hydrological Processes 16 (3), 589-609, 2002
Riparian zone flowpath dynamics during snowmelt in a small headwater catchment
BL McGlynn, JJ McDonnell, JB Shanley, C Kendall
Journal of Hydrology 222 (1-4), 75-92, 1999
Input-output budgets of inorganic nitrogen for 24 forest watersheds in the northeastern United States: a review
JL Campbell, JW Hornbeck, MJ Mitchell, MB Adams, MS Castro, ...
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 151, 373-396, 2004
Streamwater chemistry and nutrient budgets for forested watersheds in New England: variability and management implications
JW Hornbeck, SW Bailey, DC Buso, JB Shanley
Forest Ecology and Management 93 (1-2), 73-89, 1997
Mercury and organic carbon dynamics during runoff episodes from a northeastern USA watershed
PF Schuster, JB Shanley, M Marvin-Dipasquale, MM Reddy, GR Aiken, ...
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 187, 89-108, 2008
Tracing sources of nitrate in snowmelt runoff using the oxygen and nitrogen isotopic compositions of nitrate
C Kendall, DH Campbell, DA Burns, JB Shanley, SR Silva, CCY Chang
IAHS Publications-Series of Proceedings and Reports-Intern Assoc …, 1995
Mercury dynamics in relation to dissolved organic carbon concentration and quality during high flow events in three northeastern US streams
JA Dittman, JB Shanley, CT Driscoll, GR Aiken, AT Chalmers, JE Towse, ...
Water Resources Research 46 (7), 2010
Factors controlling mercury transport in an upland forested catchment
T Scherbatskoy, JB Shanley, GJ Keeler
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 105, 427-438, 1998
Quantity is nothing without quality: Automated QA/QC for streaming environmental sensor data
JL Campbell, LE Rustad, JH Porter, JR Taylor, EW Dereszynski, ...
BioScience 63 (7), 574-585, 2013
Comparison of total mercury and methylmercury cycling at five sites using the small watershed approach
JB Shanley, MA Mast, DH Campbell, GR Aiken, DP Krabbenhoft, RJ Hunt, ...
Environmental Pollution 154 (1), 143-154, 2008
Recent advances in understanding and measurement of mercury in the environment: Terrestrial Hg cycling
K Bishop, JB Shanley, A Riscassi, HA de Wit, K Eklöf, B Meng, C Mitchell, ...
Science of the Total Environment 721, 137647, 2020
Tracing sources of nitrate in snowmelt runoff using a high‐resolution isotopic technique
N Ohte, SD Sebestyen, JB Shanley, DH Doctor, C Kendall, SD Wankel, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (21), 2004
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