daniel chicharro
daniel chicharro
City, University of London
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Monitoring spike train synchrony
T Kreuz, D Chicharro, C Houghton, RG Andrzejak, F Mormann
Journal of neurophysiology 109 (5), 1457-1472, 2013
Structure and flexibility in cortical representations of odour space
SL Pashkovski, G Iurilli, D Brann, D Chicharro, K Drummey, K Franks, ...
Nature 583 (7815), 253-258, 2020
Reliable detection of directional couplings using rank statistics
D Chicharro, RG Andrzejak
Physical Review E 80 (2), 026217, 2009
Seizure prediction: Any better than chance?
RG Andrzejak, D Chicharro, CE Elger, F Mormann
Clinical Neurophysiology 120 (8), 1465-1478, 2009
On the spectral formulation of Granger causality
D Chicharro
Biological cybernetics 105 (5-6), 331-347, 2011
Time-resolved and time-scale adaptive measures of spike train synchrony
T Kreuz, D Chicharro, M Greschner, RG Andrzejak
Journal of neuroscience methods 195 (1), 92-106, 2011
Measuring multiple spike train synchrony
T Kreuz, D Chicharro, RG Andrzejak, JS Haas, HDI Abarbanel
Journal of neuroscience methods 183 (2), 287-299, 2009
Using bivariate signal analysis to characterize the epileptic focus: The benefit of surrogates
RG Andrzejak, D Chicharro, K Lehnertz, F Mormann
Physical Review E 83 (4), 046203, 2011
When two become one: the limits of causality analysis of brain dynamics
D Chicharro, A Ledberg
PLoS One 7 (3), e32466, 2012
Attention Induced Gain Stabilization in Broad and Narrow-Spiking Cells in the Frontal Eye-Field of Macaque Monkeys
A Thiele, C Brandt, M Dasilva, S Gotthardt, D Chicharro, S Panzeri, ...
The Journal of Neuroscience 36 (29), 7601-7612, 2016
Framework to study dynamic dependencies in networks of interacting processes
D Chicharro, A Ledberg
Physical Review E 86 (4), 041901, 2012
Characterization of Cortical Networks and Corticocortical Functional Connectivity Mediating Arbitrary Visuomotor Mapping
A Brovelli, D Chicharro, JM Badier, H Wang, V Jirsa
The Journal of Neuroscience 35 (37), 12643-12658, 2015
Synergy and Redundancy in Dual Decompositions of Mutual Information Gain and Information Loss
D Chicharro, S Panzeri
Entropy 19 (2), 71, 2017
Algorithms of causal inference for the analysis of effective connectivity among brain regions
D Chicharro, S Panzeri
Name: Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 8, 64, 2014
What can spike train distances tell us about the neural code?
D Chicharro, T Kreuz, RG Andrzejak
Journal of neuroscience methods 199 (1), 146-165, 2011
Invariant components of synergy, redundancy, and unique information among three variables
G Pica, E Piasini, D Chicharro, S Panzeri
Entropy 19 (9), 451, 2017
Perceptual learning of fine contrast discrimination changes neuronal tuning and population coding in macaque V4
M Sanayei, X Chen, D Chicharro, C Distler, S Panzeri, A Thiele
Nature Communications 9 (1), 4238, 2018
Quantifying multivariate redundancy with maximum entropy decompositions of mutual information
D Chicharro
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.03845, 2017
An information-theoretic quantification of the content of communication between brain regions
M Celotto, J Bím, A Tlaie, V De Feo, A Toso, S Lemke, D Chicharro, H Nili, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
A Causal Perspective on the Analysis of Signal and Noise Correlations and Their Role in Population Coding
D Chicharro
Neural computation 26 (6), 999-1054, 2014
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