Thomas Rixen
Thomas Rixen
Professor of International and Comparative Political Economy, Freie Universität Berlin
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The political economy of international tax governance
T Rixen
Springer, 2008
From double tax avoidance to tax competition: Explaining the institutional trajectory of international tax governance
T Rixen
Review of International Political Economy 18 (2), 197-227, 2011
Why reregulation after the crisis is feeble: Shadow banking, offshore financial centers, and jurisdictional competition
T Rixen
Regulation & governance 7 (4), 435-459, 2013
Tax competition and global background justice
P Dietsch, T Rixen
Political Theory Without Borders, 75-106, 2015
Putting path dependence in its place: Toward a taxonomy of institutional change
T Rixen, LA Viola
Journal of theoretical politics 27 (2), 301-323, 2015
Historical institutionalism and international relations: explaining institutional development in world politics
T Rixen, LA Viola, M Zürn
Oxford University Press, 2016
Tax competition and inequality: The case for global tax governance
T Rixen
Global governance 17, 447, 2011
Settling and unsettling the transnational legal order of international taxation
P Genschel, T Rixen
Transnational legal orders 154, 154-158, 2015
The politicization of international economic institutions in US public debates
T Rixen, B Zangl
The Review of International Organizations 8, 363-387, 2013
Global tax governance: what is wrong with it and how to fix it
P Dietsch, T Rixen
ECPR press, 2016
Bilateralism or multilateralism? The political economy of avoiding international double taxation
T Rixen
European Journal of International Relations 16 (4), 589-614, 2010
Is neoliberalism still spreading? The impact of international cooperation on capital taxation
L Hakelberg, T Rixen
Review of International Political Economy 28 (5), 1142-1168, 2021
The institutional choice of bilateralism and multilateralism in international trade and taxation
T Rixen, I Rohlfing
International Negotiation 12 (3), 389-414, 2007
Bargaining over the avoidance of double taxation: Evidence from German tax treaties
T Rixen, P Schwarz
Finanzarchiv/Public Finance Analysis, 442-471, 2009
Great Expectations, Slow Transformation: Incremental Change in Financial Governance
A Baker, S Botzem, M Carstensen, I Kjar, S Pagliari, L Quaglia, T Rixen, ...
Ecpr Press, 2013
How effective is the European Union's savings tax directive? Evidence from four EU member states
T Rixen, P Schwarz
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 50 (1), 151-168, 2012
Institutional reform of global tax governance: a proposal
T Rixen
Global Tax Governance: What is Wrong with it and how to Fix it, 2016
Global tax governance: what it is and why it matters
P Dietsch, T Rixen
Global tax governance: what is wrong with it and how to fix it, 1-23, 2016
A victim of regulatory arbitrage? Automatic exchange of information and the use of golden visas and corporate shells
L Ahrens, L Hakelberg, T Rixen
Regulation & Governance 16 (3), 653-672, 2022
Die Ursachen des europäischen Steuerwettbewerbs
P Genschel, T Rixen, S Uhl
Die Europäische Union: Governance und Policy-Making, 297-320, 2008
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