Kim Tallerås
Kim Tallerås
OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
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Improving the presentation of library data using FRBR and Linked data
AL Westrum, A Rekkavik, K Tallerås
Code4Lib Journal, 2012
Quality of linked bibliographic data: the models, vocabularies, and links of data sets published by four national libraries
K Tallerås
Journal of library metadata 17 (2), 126-155, 2017
Relativ tilgjengelighet: Formidling og utvelgelse i strømmetjenester for film, tv-serier og digitale bøker
K Tallerås, T Colbjørnsen, M Øfsti
Norsk medietidsskrift 26 (1), 1-20, 2019
User conceptualizations of derivative relationships in the bibliographic universe
K Tallerås, JHB Dahl, N Pharo
Journal of Documentation 74 (4), 894-916, 2018
From many records to one graph: heterogeneity conflicts in the linked data restructuring cycle.
K Tallerås
Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 18 (3), n3, 2013
Contingent availability: a case-based approach to understanding availability in streaming services and cultural policy implications
T Colbjørnsen, K Tallerås, M Øfsti
International Journal of Cultural Policy 27 (7), 936-951, 2021
Evaluating (linked) metadata transformations across cultural heritage domains
K Tallerås, D Massey, ASR Husevåg, M Preminger, N Pharo
Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research, 250-261, 2014
The impact of new bibliographic models on the search experience
T Aalberg, K Tallerås, D Massey
University of Borås, 2019
Cultural policies, social missions, algorithms and discretion: What should public service institutions recommend?
K Tallerås, T Colbjørnsen, K Oterholm, H Larsen
Sustainable Digital Communities: 15th International Conference, iConference …, 2020
Samfunnsoppdrag under press Erfaringer og vurderinger i norske bibliotek under Covid-19
S Evjen, T Colbjørnsen, I Bøyum, K Tallerås, HK Olsen
Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies 2 (1), 17–37, 2021
What they talk about when they talk about the need for critical evaluation of information sources: An analysis of Norwegian and Swedish news articles mentioning ‘source criticism’
K Tallerås, O Sköld
International Conference on Information, 380-388, 2020
Hva gjør de videreutdannede bibliotekarene? I R. Audunson (Red.)
TA Dahl, K Tallerås
Krysspeilinger: Perspektiver på bibliotek-og informasjonsfag, 165-182, 2011
Extending the media welfare state: The role of libraries in the Nordic countries
T Colbjørnsen, H Larsen, K Tallerås, M Liguzinski
Nordicom, University of Gothenburg, 2024
Talking about audio: Analysing book industry trade talk on audiobooks and streaming in Sweden and Norway
T Colbjørnsen, K Tallerås, A Steiner
Publishing Research Quarterly 39 (1), 17-33, 2023
The Public Library Metadata Landscape, the Case of Norway 2017–2018
M Preminger, I Rype, MK Ådland, D Massey, K Tallerås
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 58 (2), 127-148, 2020
Metadata Structures of the Bibliographic Universe: Transformation, Interoperability, Conceptualizations, and Quality
K Tallerås
OsloMet–Oslo Metropolitan University, 2018
En norsk bokbransje i endring og interesseorganisasjonenes politiske påvirkningsarbeid
H Larsen, T Colbjørnsen, K Tallerås
Nordisk Kulturpolitisk Tidsskrift 25 (1), 43-60, 2022
3. Arven fra Ragnar i bibliotekarutdanningen ved OsloMet–storbyuniversitetet [sic]
K Tallerås, TA Dahl
RØD MIX, 33, 2020
" Vi søker deg med relevant høyere utdanning”: Kompetansebehov i det bibliotekfaglige profesjonsfeltet
L Gjestrum, K Tallerås, ÅK Tveit
Institut for Informationsstudier, Københavns Universitet, 2018
Formidlingsmaskiner: fra analog kunnskapsorganisasjon til digitale anbefalinger
N Pharo, K Tallerås
Pax, 2015
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Articles 1–20