Simon Binder
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Zitiert von
Multisensitive swelling of hydrogels for sensor and actuator design
A Ehrenhofer, S Binder, G Gerlach, T Wallmersperger
Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (7), 2000004, 2020
Performance of fast-responsive, porous crosslinked poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) in a piezoresistive microsensor
D Franke, S Binder, G Gerlach
IEEE Sensors Letters 1 (6), 1-4, 2017
Bisensitive hydrogel with volume compensation properties for force compensation sensors
S Binder, AT Krause, B Voit, G Gerlach
IEEE Sensors Letters 1 (6), 1-4, 2017
Intramolecular force-compensated hydrogel-based sensors with reduced response times
S Binder, G Gerlach
tm-Technisches Messen 86 (4), 227-236, 2019
Performance of force-compensated chemical sensors based on bisensitive hydrogels
S Binder, G Gerlach
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 342, 129420, 2021
A fast MEMS infrared microspectrometer for the measurement of hydrocarbon gases
M Ebermann, N Neumann, S Binder, M Meinig, M Seifert, S Kurth, K Hiller
2015 Transducers-2015 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors …, 2015
Semi-interpenetrating polymer networks based on N-isopropylacrylamide and 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid for intramolecular force-compensated sensors
S Binder, S Zschoche, B Voit, G Gerlach
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 167 (16), 167521, 2021
Catheter-mounted smart hydrogel ultrasound resonators for intravenous analyte monitoring
PD Kairy, N Farhoudi, S Binder, JJ Magda, K Kuck, F Solzbacher, ...
2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2021
Localized actuation of temperature responsive hydrogel-layers with a PCB-based micro-heater array
S Binder, A Ehrenhofer, T Ahmad, CF Reiche, F Solzbacher, ...
Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XXIV 12042, 263-275, 2022
Fabrication of polymer membrane-suspended microstructures on printed circuit boards
T Ahmad, S Binder, M Leber, TJ Garrett, CF Reiche, F Solzbacher
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 31 (3), 435-441, 2022
Kraftkompensierte chemische Sensoren auf Basis bisensitiver interpenetrierender Polymernetzwerke/Bisensitive interpenetrating polymer networks for force-compensated chemical …
S Binder, G Gerlach
tm-Technisches Messen 85 (s1), s45-s51, 2018
Implementation and testing of a biohybrid transition microelectrode array for neural recording and modulation
B Ahmed, S Binder, S Boroomand, HJ Strathman, M Hantak, T Shepherd, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.08. 08.552362, 2023
Funktionsprinzip und Anwendung der Kraftkompensationsmessmethode für miniaturisierte hydrogelbasierte Sensoren
S Binder, G Gerlach
tm-Technisches Messen 89 (7-8), 465-477, 2022
Interpenetrating Polymer Networks for Piezoresistive Hydrogel-based Chemical Sensors
S Binder, A Krause, G Gerald
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Vienna, 2018
Reduktion der Ansprechzeit Hydrogel-basierter Sensoren
S Binder, AT Krause, G Gerlach
Proceedings 13, 2017
Kraftkompensierte chemische Sensoren auf der Basis bisensitiver Hydrogele
S Binder
TUDpress, 2021
Probing glucose-sensitive hydrogel resonators with a portable medical ultrasound imaging system
PD Kairy, S Binder, F Solzbacher, LB Laurentius, CF Reiche
2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2024
Optical Imaging of Microfluidic Integrated Smart Hydrogels for Research and Sensing Applications
S Borooman, S Binder, M Leber, JP Botero, JJ Magda, F Solzbacher, ...
2023 Index Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems Vol. 32
L Aprilia, R Ardito, G Arnauts, V Avrutin, F Ayazi, SS Bahga, P Bai, ...
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 32 (6), 2023
Employing Stencil-Assisted Laser Ablation to Simplify the Fabrication of Polymer Membrane-Suspended Microstructures on Printed Circuit Boards
S Binder, T Ahmad, F Solzbacher, CF Reiche
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 32 (4), 302-304, 2023
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