Katrin Premke
Katrin Premke
Universitätsmedizin Rostock
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Temperature-controlled organic carbon mineralization in lake sediments
C Gudasz, D Bastviken, K Steger, K Premke, S Sobek, LJ Tranvik
Nature 466 (7305), 478-481, 2010
Fungal–bacterial dynamics and their contribution to terrigenous carbon turnover in relation to organic matter quality
J Fabian, S Zlatanovic, M Mutz, K Premke
The ISME journal 11 (2), 415-425, 2017
Microbial diversity and community respiration in freshwater sediments influenced by artificial light at night
F Hölker, C Wurzbacher, C Weißenborn, MT Monaghan, SIJ Holzhauer, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Sound images of the ocean: in research and monitoring
P Wille
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
drifting versus anchored flux chambers for measuring greenhouse gas emissions from running waters
A Lorke, P Bodmer, C Noss, Z Alshboul, M Koschorreck, C Somlai-Haase, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (23), 7013-7024, 2015
Constrained microbial processing of allochthonous organic carbon in boreal lake sediments
C Gudasz, D Bastviken, K Premke, K Steger, LJ Tranvik
Limnology and Oceanography 57 (1), 163-175, 2012
Carbon dynamics and their link to dissolved organic matter quality across contrasting stream ecosystems
P Bodmer, M Heinz, M Pusch, G Singer, K Premke
Science of the Total Environment 553, 574-586, 2016
Invasive floating macrophytes reduce greenhouse gas emissions from a small tropical lake
K Attermeyer, S Flury, R Jayakumar, P Fiener, K Steger, V Arya, F Wilken, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (20), 2016
Enhanced bacterial decomposition with increasing addition of autochthonous to allochthonous carbon without any effect on bacterial community composition
K Attermeyer, T Hornick, ZE Kayler, A Bahr, E Zwirnmann, HP Grossart, ...
Biogeosciences 11 (6), 1479-1489, 2014
Ecosystem‐level studies of terrestrial carbon reveal contrasting bacterial metabolism in different aquatic habitats
K Attermeyer, K Premke, T Hornick, S Hilt, HP Grossart
Ecology 94 (12), 2754-2766, 2013
Forest understory plant and soil microbial response to an experimentally induced drought and heat‐pulse event: the importance of maintaining the continuum
I von Rein, A Gessler, K Premke, C Keitel, A Ulrich, ZE Kayler
Global Change Biology 22 (8), 2861-2874, 2016
Aggregations of Arctic deep-sea scavengers at large food falls: temporal distribution, consumption rates and population structure
K Premke, M Klages, WE Arntz
Marine Ecology Progress Series 325, 121-135, 2006
Carbon and nutrient cycling in kettle hole sediments depending on hydrological dynamics: a review
F Reverey, HP Grossart, K Premke, G Lischeid
Hydrobiologia, DOI 10.1007/s1075001627159, 2016
Microbial biomass and community composition in boreal lake sediments
K Steger, K Premke, C Gudasz, I Sundh, LJ Tranvik
Limnology and Oceanography 56 (2), 725-733, 2011
Evidence for long-range chemoreceptive tracking of food odour in deep-sea scavengers by scanning sonar data
K Premke, S Muyakshin, M Klages, J Wegner
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 285, 283-294, 2003
Terrestrial subsidies to lake food webs: an experimental approach
P Bartels, J Cucherousset, C Gudasz, M Jansson, J Karlsson, L Persson, ...
Oecologia 168, 807-818, 2012
Water level changes affect carbon turnover and microbial community composition in lake sediments
L Weise, A Ulrich, M Moreano, A Gessler, Z E. Kayler, K Steger, B Zeller, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 92 (5), fiw035, 2016
The importance of landscape diversity for carbon fluxes on the landscape level: Small-scale heterogeneity matters
K Premke, K Attermeyer, J Augustin, A Cabeszas, P Casper, D Deumlich, ...
WIRES-water, 2016
Deconstructing methane emissions from a small northern European river: Hydrodynamics and temperature as key drivers
DF McGinnis, N Bilsley, M Schmidt, P Fietzek, P Bodmer, K Premke, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (21), 11680-11687, 2016
Stable isotope analysis of benthic fauna and their food sources in boreal lakes
K Premke, J Karlsson, K Steger, C Gudasz, E von Wachenfeldt, LJ Tranvik
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29 (4), 1339-1348, 2010
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