Alexander Knohl
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Europe-wide reduction in primary productivity caused by the heat and drought in 2003
P Ciais, M Reichstein, N Viovy, A Granier, J Ogée, V Allard, M Aubinet, ...
Nature 437 (7058), 529-533, 2005
On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm
M Reichstein, E Falge, D Baldocchi, D Papale, M Aubinet, P Berbigier, ...
Global change biology 11 (9), 1424-1439, 2005
Old-growth forests as global carbon sinks
S Luyssaert, ED Schulze, A Börner, A Knohl, D Hessenmöller, BE Law, ...
Nature 455 (7210), 213-215, 2008
The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data
G Pastorello, C Trotta, E Canfora, H Chu, D Christianson, YW Cheah, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 225, 2020
Evidence for soil water control on carbon and water dynamics in European forests during the extremely dry year: 2003
A Granier, M Reichstein, N Bréda, IA Janssens, E Falge, P Ciais, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 143 (1-2), 123-145, 2007
Reduction of ecosystem productivity and respiration during the European summer 2003 climate anomaly: a joint flux tower, remote sensing and modelling analysis
M Reichstein, P Ciais, D Papale, R Valentini, S RUNNING, N Viovy, ...
Global Change Biology 13 (3), 634-651, 2007
Temporal and among‐site variability of inherent water use efficiency at the ecosystem level
C Beer, P Ciais, M Reichstein, D Baldocchi, BE Law, D Papale, ...
Global biogeochemical cycles 23 (2), 2009
Land management and land-cover change have impacts of similar magnitude on surface temperature
S Luyssaert, M Jammet, PC Stoy, S Estel, J Pongratz, E Ceschia, ...
Nature Climate Change 4 (5), 389-393, 2014
A data-driven analysis of energy balance closure across FLUXNET research sites: The role of landscape scale heterogeneity
PC Stoy, M Mauder, T Foken, B Marcolla, E Boegh, A Ibrom, MA Arain, ...
Agricultural and forest meteorology 171, 137-152, 2013
Productivity of forests in the Eurosiberian boreal region and their potential to act as a carbon sink–‐a synthesis
ED Schulze, J Lloyd, FM Kelliher, C Wirth, C Rebmann, B Lühker, M Mund, ...
Global Change Biology 5 (6), 703-722, 1999
Large carbon uptake by an unmanaged 250-year-old deciduous forest in Central Germany
A Knohl, ED Schulze, O Kolle, N Buchmann
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 118 (3-4), 151-167, 2003
Why are non-photosynthetic tissues generally 13C enriched compared with leaves in C3 plants? Review and synthesis of current hypotheses
LA Cernusak, G Tcherkez, C Keitel, WK Cornwell, LS Santiago, A Knohl, ...
Functional Plant Biology 36 (3), 199-213, 2009
Integration of MODIS land and atmosphere products with a coupled‐process model to estimate gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration from 1 km to global scales
Y Ryu, DD Baldocchi, H Kobayashi, C Van Ingen, J Li, TA Black, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 25 (4), 2011
Carbon allocation and carbon isotope fluxes in the plant-soil-atmosphere continuum: a review
N Brüggemann, A Gessler, Z Kayler, SG Keel, F Badeck, M Barthel, ...
Biogeosciences 8 (11), 3457-3489, 2011
A review of the ecosystem functions in oil palm plantations, using forests as a reference system
C Dislich, AC Keyel, J Salecker, Y Kisel, KM Meyer, M Auliya, AD Barnes, ...
Biological Reviews 92 (3), 1539-1569, 2017
Ecological and socio-economic functions across tropical land use systems after rainforest conversion
J Drescher, K Rembold, K Allen, P Beckschäfer, D Buchori, Y Clough, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Effects of diffuse radiation on canopy gas exchange processes in a forest ecosystem
A Knohl, DD Baldocchi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 113 (G2), 2008
Land-use choices follow profitability at the expense of ecological functions in Indonesian smallholder landscapes
Y Clough, VV Krishna, MD Corre, K Darras, LH Denmead, A Meijide, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13137, 2016
Determinants of terrestrial ecosystem carbon balance inferred from European eddy covariance flux sites
M Reichstein, D Papale, R Valentini, M Aubinet, C Bernhofer, A Knohl, ...
Geophysical research letters 34 (1), 2007
Quality control of CarboEurope flux data–Part 1: Coupling footprint analyses with flux data quality assessment to evaluate sites in forest ecosystems
M Göckede, T Foken, M Aubinet, M Aurela, J Banza, C Bernhofer, ...
Biogeosciences 5 (2), 433-450, 2008
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