Kees-Jan Kan
Kees-Jan Kan
Research Institute of Child Development and Education, University of Amsterdam
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The automaticity of emotional Stroop: A meta-analysis
RH Phaf, KJ Kan
Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 38 (2), 184-199, 2007
Stability in symptoms of anxiety and depression as a function of genotype and environment: a longitudinal twin study from ages 3 to 63 years
MG Nivard, CV Dolan, KS Kendler, KJ Kan, G Willemsen, ...
Psychological medicine 45 (5), 1039-1049, 2015
The Young Netherlands Twin Register (YNTR): longitudinal twin and family studies in over 70,000 children
CEM Van Beijsterveldt, M Groen-Blokhuis, JJ Hottenga, S Franić, ...
Twin Research and Human Genetics 16 (1), 252-267, 2013
Network models for cognitive development and intelligence
HLJ Van Der Maas, KJ Kan, M Marsman, CE Stevenson
Journal of Intelligence 5 (2), 16, 2017
On the nature and nurture of intelligence and specific cognitive abilities: The more heritable, the more culture dependent
KJ Kan, JM Wicherts, CV Dolan, HLJ van der Maas
Psychological science 24 (12), 2420-2428, 2013
Intelligence is what the intelligence test measures. Seriously
HLJ Van der Maas, KJ Kan, D Borsboom
Journal of Intelligence 2 (1), 12-15, 2014
Genetic and environmental stability in attention problems across the lifespan: evidence from the Netherlands twin register
KJ Kan, CV Dolan, MG Nivard, CM Middeldorp, CEM van Beijsterveldt, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 52 (1), 12-25, 2013
Extending psychometric network analysis: Empirical evidence against g in favor of mutualism?
KJ Kan, HLJ van der Maas, SZ Levine
Intelligence 73, 52-62, 2019
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder polygenic risk scores predict attention problems in a population-based sample of children
MM Groen-Blokhuis, CM Middeldorp, KJ Kan, A Abdellaoui, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 53 (10 …, 2014
On the interpretation of the CHC factor Gc
KJ Kan, RA Kievit, C Dolan, H Van Der Maas
Intelligence 39 (5), 292-302, 2011
How to compare psychometric factor and network models
KJ Kan, H de Jonge, HLJ van der Maas, SZ Levine, S Epskamp
Journal of Intelligence 8 (4), 35, 2020
Brain regions related to impulsivity mediate the effects of early adversity on antisocial behavior
S Mackey, B Chaarani, KJ Kan, PA Spechler, C Orr, T Banaschewski, ...
Biological psychiatry 82 (4), 275-282, 2017
Short telomere length is associated with impaired cognitive performance in European ancestry cohorts
S Hägg, et al.
Translational Psychiatry 7, e1100, 2017
Cannabis use in early adolescence: Evidence of amygdala hypersensitivity to signals of threat
PA Spechler, CA Orr, B Chaarani, KJ Kan, S Mackey, A Morton, ...
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 16, 63-70, 2015
Intelligence and the brain: A model-based approach
RA Kievit, H Van Rooijen, JM Wicherts, LJ Waldorp, KJ Kan, HS Scholte, ...
Cognitive neuroscience 3 (2), 89-97, 2012
The Computerized Neurocognitive Battery: Validation, aging effects, and heritability across cognitive domains.
SC Swagerman, EJC de Geus, KJ Kan, E van Bergen, HA Nieuwboer, ...
Neuropsychology 30 (1), 53, 2016
Are socially anxious children poor or advanced mindreaders?
M Nikolić, L van der Storm, C Colonnesi, E Brummelman, KJ Kan, ...
Child Development 90 (4), 1424-1441, 2019
Testing syndromes of psychopathology in parent and youth ratings across societies
MY Ivanova, TM Achenbach, LA Rescorla, J Guo, RR Althoff, KJ Kan, ...
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 48 (4), 596-609, 2019
Nonlinear epigenetic variance: review and simulations
KJ Kan, A Ploeger, MEJ Raijmakers, CV Dolan, HLJ Van Der Maas
Developmental Science 13 (1), 11-27, 2010
Genetic imaging consortium for addiction medicine: from neuroimaging to genes
S Mackey, KJ Kan, B Chaarani, N Alia-Klein, A Batalla, S Brooks, ...
Progress in brain research 224, 203-223, 2016
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Articles 1–20