Sandra Steiger
Sandra Steiger
Professor for Evolutionary Animal Ecology, University of Bayreuth
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The origin and dynamic evolution of chemical information transfer
S Steiger, T Schmitt, HM Schaefer
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1708), 970-979, 2011
The digestive and defensive basis of carcass utilization by the burying beetle and its microbiota
H Vogel, SP Shukla, T Engl, B Weiss, R Fischer, S Steiger, DG Heckel, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15186, 2017
Bigger mothers are better mothers: disentangling size-related prenatal and postnatal maternal effects
S Steiger
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1766), 20131225, 2013
The smell of parents: breeding status influences cuticular hydrocarbon pattern in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides
S Steiger, K Peschke, W Francke, JK Müller
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1622), 2211-2220, 2007
Microbiome-assisted carrion preservation aids larval development in a burying beetle
SP Shukla, C Plata, M Reichelt, S Steiger, DG Heckel, M Kaltenpoth, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (44), 11274-11279, 2018
The role of sexual selection in the evolution of chemical signals in insects
S Steiger, J Stökl
Insects 5 (2), 423-438, 2014
Unearthing carrion beetles' microbiome: characterization of bacterial and fungal hindgut communities across the S ilphidae
M Kaltenpoth, S Steiger
Molecular ecology 23 (6), 1251-1267, 2014
The Coolidge effect, individual recognition and selection for distinctive cuticular signatures in a burying beetle
S Steiger, R Franz, AK Eggert, JK Müller
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1645), 1831-1838, 2008
Evolutionary origin of insect pheromones
J Stökl, S Steiger
Current opinion in insect science 24, 36-42, 2017
Sex, offspring and carcass determine antimicrobial peptide expression in the burying beetle
CGC Jacobs, S Steiger, DG Heckel, N Wielsch, A Vilcinskas, H Vogel
Scientific reports 6 (1), 25409, 2016
From facultative to obligatory parental care: interspecific variation in offspring dependency on post-hatching care in burying beetles
A Capodeanu-Nägler, EM Keppner, H Vogel, M Ayasse, AK Eggert, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 29323, 2016
Cuticular hydrocarbons as a basis for chemosensory self‐referencing in crickets: a potentially universal mechanism facilitating polyandry in insects
CB Weddle, S Steiger, CG Hamaker, GD Ower, C Mitchell, SK Sakaluk, ...
Ecology Letters 16 (3), 346-353, 2013
Sex differences in immunity and rapid upregulation of immune defence during parental care in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus orbicollis
S Steiger, SN Gershman, AM Pettinger, AK Eggert, SK Sakaluk
Functional Ecology 25 (6), 1368-1378, 2011
A hormone-related female anti-aphrodisiac signals temporary infertility and causes sexual abstinence to synchronize parental care
KC Engel, J Stökl, R Schweizer, H Vogel, M Ayasse, J Ruther, S Steiger
Nature communications 7 (1), 11035, 2016
Beyond species recognition: somatic state affects long-distance sex pheromone communication
J Chemnitz, PC Jentschke, M Ayasse, S Steiger
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1812), 20150832, 2015
Too Fresh Is Unattractive! The Attraction of Newly Emerged Nicrophorus vespilloides Females to Odour Bouquets of Large Cadavers at Various Stages of Decomposition
C von Hoermann, S Steiger, JK Müller, M Ayasse
PLOS ONE 8 (3), e58524, 2013
Sexual selection on cuticular hydrocarbons of male sagebrush crickets in the wild
S Steiger, GD Ower, J Stökl, C Mitchell, J Hunt, SK Sakaluk
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1773), 20132353, 2013
Surface Chemicals Inform about Sex and Breeding Status in the Biparental Burying Beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides
S Steiger, S Whitlow, K Peschke, JK Müller
Ethology 115 (2), 178-185, 2009
Acceptance threshold theory can explain occurrence of homosexual behaviour
KC Engel, L Männer, M Ayasse, S Steiger
Biology letters 11 (1), 20140603, 2015
Maternal nutritional condition and genetic differentiation affect brood size and offspring body size in Nicrophorus
S Steiger, K Richter, JK Müller, AK Eggert
Zoology 110 (5), 360-368, 2007
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