Thomas Nagel
Thomas Nagel
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
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Cited by
Thermo-hydro-mechanical chemical processes in fractured porous media: modelling and benchmarking
O Kolditz, H Shao, W Wang, S Bauer
Springer, 2016
The risks of long-term re-injection in supercritical geothermal systems
F Parisio, V Vilarrasa, W Wang, O Kolditz, T Nagel
Nature communications 10 (1), 4391, 2019
The role of the superficial region in determining the dynamic properties of articular cartilage
AR Gannon, T Nagel, DJ Kelly
Osteoarthritis and cartilage 20 (11), 1417-1425, 2012
Development of open-source porous media simulators: principles and experiences
L Bilke, B Flemisch, T Kalbacher, O Kolditz, R Helmig, T Nagel
Transport in porous media 130, 337-361, 2019
Postnatal changes to the mechanical properties of articular cartilage are driven by the evolution of its collagen network
AR Gannon, T Nagel, AP Bell, NC Avery, DJ Kelly
Eur Cell Mater 29 (105), 121-103, 2015
Modulating gradients in regulatory signals within mesenchymal stem cell seeded hydrogels: a novel strategy to engineer zonal articular cartilage
SD Thorpe, T Nagel, SF Carroll, DJ Kelly
PLoS One 8 (4), e60764, 2013
Thermo-mechanical investigation of salt caverns for short-term hydrogen storage
N Böttcher, UJ Görke, O Kolditz, T Nagel
Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1-13, 2017
Control of tension–compression asymmetry in Ogden hyperelasticity with application to soft tissue modelling
KM Moerman, CK Simms, T Nagel
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 56, 218-228, 2016
Multi-physical continuum models of thermochemical heat storage and transformation in porous media and powder beds—A review
T Nagel, S Beckert, C Lehmann, R Gläser, O Kolditz
Applied Energy 178, 323-345, 2016
Non-equilibrium thermochemical heat storage in porous media: Part 1–Conceptual model
T Nagel, H Shao, AK Singh, N Watanabe, C Roßkopf, M Linder, A Wörner, ...
Energy 60, 254-270, 2013
Efficiency and economic analysis of utilizing latent heat from groundwater freezing in the context of borehole heat exchanger coupled ground source heat pump systems
T Zheng, H Shao, S Schelenz, P Hein, T Vienken, Z Pang, O Kolditz, ...
Applied Thermal Engineering 105, 314-326, 2016
Mechano-regulation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation and collagen organisation during skeletal tissue repair
T Nagel, DJ Kelly
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 9, 359-372, 2010
Non-equilibrium thermo-chemical heat storage in porous media: Part 2–A 1D computational model for a calcium hydroxide reaction system
H Shao, T Nagel, C Roßkopf, M Linder, A Wörner, O Kolditz
Energy 60, 271-282, 2013
A reliable numerical analysis for large-scale modelling of a high-level radioactive waste repository in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone
C Plúa, MN Vu, G Armand, J Rutqvist, J Birkholzer, H Xu, R Guo, ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 140, 104574, 2021
Experimental characterization and numerical modelling of fracture processes in granite
F Parisio, A Tarokh, R Makhnenko, D Naumov, XY Miao, O Kolditz, ...
International Journal of Solids and Structures 163, 102-116, 2019
Remodelling of collagen fibre transition stretch and angular distribution in soft biological tissues and cell-seeded hydrogels
T Nagel, DJ Kelly
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 11 (3-4), 325-339, 2012
A numerical investigation of slope stability influenced by the combined effects of reservoir water level fluctuations and precipitation: A case study of the Bianjiazhai …
L Kafle, WJ Xu, SY Zeng, T Nagel
Engineering Geology 297, 106508, 2022
TESSIN VISLab—laboratory for scientific visualization
L Bilke, T Fischer, C Helbig, C Krawczyk, T Nagel, D Naumov, S Paulick, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 72, 3881-3899, 2014
The changing role of the superficial region in determining the dynamic compressive properties of articular cartilage during postnatal development
AR Gannon, T Nagel, AP Bell, NC Avery, DJ Kelly
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 23 (6), 975-984, 2015
Assessment of adsorbate density models for numerical simulations of zeolite-based heat storage applications
C Lehmann, S Beckert, R Gläser, O Kolditz, T Nagel
Applied Energy 185, 1965-1970, 2017
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Articles 1–20