Joachim Böcker
Joachim Böcker
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Elektrische Antriebe - Regelung von Antriebssystemen
D Schröder, J Böcker
Springer, 2021
Global identification of a low-order lumped-parameter thermal network for permanent magnet synchronous motors
O Wallscheid, J Böcker
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 31 (1), 354-365, 2015
Active damping of drive train oscillations for an electrically driven vehicle
N Amann, J Böcker, F Prenner
Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on 9 (4), 697-700, 2004
State of the art of induction motor control
J Böcker, S Mathapati
Electric Machines & Drives Conference, 2007. IEMDC'07. IEEE International 2 …, 2007
Optimum control for interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSM) in constant torque and flux weakening range
M Meyer, J Böcker
Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2006. EPE-PEMC 2006. 12th …, 2006
Data-driven recursive least squares estimation for model predictive current control of permanent magnet synchronous motors
A Brosch, S Hanke, O Wallscheid, J Böcker
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 36 (2), 2179-2190, 2020
Estimating electric motor temperatures with deep residual machine learning
W Kirchgässner, O Wallscheid, J Böcker
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (7), 7480-7488, 2020
Optimal energy management for a hybrid energy storage system for electric vehicles based on stochastic dynamic programming
C Romaus, K Gathmann, J Böcker
2010 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1-6, 2010
Paralleling of LLC resonant converters using frequency controlled current balancing
H Figge, T Grote, N Fröhleke, J Böcker, P Ide
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2008. PESC 2008. IEEE, 1080-1085, 2008
High‐current variable‐voltage rectifiers: state of the art topologies
J Solanki, N Fröhleke, J Böcker, A Averberg, P Wallmeier
IET Power Electronics 8 (6), 1068-1080, 2015
Optimal energy management for a hybrid energy storage system combining batteries and double layer capacitors
C Romaus, J Böcker, K Witting, A Seifried, O Znamenshchykov
Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2009. ECCE 2009. IEEE, 1640-1647, 2009
Observing the permanent-magnet temperature of synchronous motors based on electrical fundamental wave model quantities
O Wallscheid, A Specht, J Böcker
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (5), 3921-3929, 2017
Data-driven permanent magnet temperature estimation in synchronous motors with supervised machine learning: A benchmark
W Kirchgässner, O Wallscheid, J Böcker
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 36 (3), 2059-2067, 2021
Analysis and design of improved isolated full-bridge bidirectional DC-DC converter
R Li, A Pottharst, N Fröhleke, J Böcker
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2004. PESC 04. 2004 IEEE 35th …, 2004
Determination of Rotor Temperature for an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Using a Precise Flux Observer
A Specht, O Wallscheid, J Böcker
IPEC, Hiroshima, Japan, 2014, 2014
A Low-Order Thermal Model for Monitoring Critical Temperatures in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
T Huber, W Peters, J Böcker
IET Digital Library, 2014
Observer for the rotor temperature of IPMSM
A Specht, J Böcker
Proceedings of 14th International Power Electronics and Motion Control …, 2010
On the control bandwidth of servo drives
J Böcker, S Beineke, A Bähr
Power Electronics and Applications, 2009. EPE'09. 13th European Conference …, 2009
Implementation of Hybrid Filter for 12-Pulse Thyristor Rectifier Supplying High-Current Variable-Voltage DC Load
J Solanki, N Fröhleke, J Böcker
IEEE, 2014
Deep residual convolutional and recurrent neural networks for temperature estimation in permanent magnet synchronous motors
W Kirchgässner, O Wallscheid, J Böcker
2019 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), 1439-1446, 2019
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