Marco Konschak
Marco Konschak
Ecotoxicology & Environment, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau
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Does the current fungicide risk assessment provide sufficient protection for key drivers in aquatic ecosystem functioning?
JP Zubrod, D Englert, A Feckler, N Koksharova, M Konschak, ...
Environmental science & technology 49 (2), 1173-1181, 2015
Waterborne toxicity and diet-related effects of fungicides in the key leaf shredder Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea: Amphipoda)
JP Zubrod, D Englert, J Wolfram, D Wallace, N Schnetzer, P Baudy, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 169, 105-112, 2015
History matters: Heterotrophic microbial community structure and function adapt to multiple stressors
A Feckler, W Goedkoop, M Konschak, R Bundschuh, KGJ Kenngott, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (2), e402-e415, 2018
Fungal–fungal and fungal–bacterial interactions in aquatic decomposer communities: bacteria promote fungal diversity
P Baudy, JP Zubrod, M Konschak, S Kolbenschlag, A Pollitt, C Baschien, ...
Ecology 102 (10), e03471, 2021
Environmentally relevant fungicide levels modify fungal community composition and interactions but not functioning
P Baudy, JP Zubrod, M Konschak, N Röder, TH Nguyen, VC Schreiner, ...
Environmental Pollution 285, 117234, 2021
Long‐term effects of fungicides on leaf‐associated microorganisms and shredder populations—An artificial stream study
JP Zubrod, D Englert, J Wolfram, RR Rosenfeldt, A Feckler, R Bundschuh, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36 (8), 2178-2189, 2017
The importance of diet-related effects of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin on the leaf-shredding invertebrate Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea; Amphipoda)
M Konschak, JP Zubrod, P Baudy, P Fink, K Kenngott, S Lüderwald, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 222, 105461, 2020
Does long-term fungicide exposure affect the reproductive performance of leaf-shredders? A partial life-cycle study using Hyalella azteca
P Baudy, JP Zubrod, M Konschak, M Weil, R Schulz, M Bundschuh
Environmental Pollution 222, 458-464, 2017
The evil within? Systemic fungicide application in trees enhances litter quality for an aquatic decomposer-detritivore system
K Newton, JP Zubrod, D Englert, S Lüderwald, T Schell, P Baudy, ...
Environmental Pollution 241, 549-556, 2018
Waterborne and diet-related effects of inorganic and organic fungicides on the insect leaf shredder Chaetopteryx villosa (Trichoptera)
M Konschak, JP Zubrod, P Baudy, D Englert, B Herrmann, R Schulz, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 206, 33-42, 2019
Herbicide-Induced Shifts in the Periphyton Community Composition Indirectly Affect Feeding Activity and Physiology of the Gastropod Grazer Physella acuta
M Konschak, JP Zubrod, TS Duque Acosta, A Bouchez, A Kroll, A Feckler, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (21), 14699-14709, 2021
The fungicide tebuconazole confounds concentrations of molecular biomarkers estimating fungal biomass
P Baudy, M Konschak, H Sakpal, C Baschien, R Schulz, M Bundschuh, ...
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 105, 620-625, 2020
Chronic effects of the strobilurin fungicide azoxystrobin in the leaf shredder Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea; Amphipoda) via two effect pathways
M Konschak, JP Zubrod, P Baudy, P Fink, KGJ Kenngott, D Englert, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 209, 111848, 2021
Leaf Species-Dependent Fungicide Effects on the Function and Abundance of Associated Microbial Communities
S Gonçalves, R Post, M Konschak, J Zubrod, A Feckler, M Bundschuh
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 110 (5), 92, 2023
As above, so below? Effects of fungicides on microbial organic matter decomposition are stronger in the hyporheic than in the benthic zone
E Bollinger, JP Zubrod, M Konschak, L Sulzer, J Schnurr, VC Schreiner, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 67 (1), 39-52, 2022
Bottom‐up effects of fungicides on tadpoles of the European common frog (Rana temporaria)
M Bundschuh, JP Zubrod, T Wernicke, M Konschak, L Werner, CA Brühl, ...
Ecology and Evolution 11 (9), 4353-4365, 2021
Mixture effects of a fungicide and an antibiotic: Assessment and prediction using a decomposer-detritivore system
M Konschak, JP Zubrod, P Baudy, P Fink, S Pietz, N Bakanov, R Schulz, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 232, 105762, 2021
Tracer or toxicant: Does stable isotope labeling affect central processes in aquatic food webs?
E Bollinger, JP Zubrod, M Konschak, R Schulz, M Bundschuh
Aquatic Toxicology 259, 106542, 2023
Photoactive titanium dioxide nanoparticles modify heterotrophic microbial functioning
M Bundschuh, JP Zubrod, M Konschak, P Baudy, B Frombold, R Schulz
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (36), 49550-49558, 2021
A critical examination of the protection level for primary producers in the first tier of the aquatic risk assessment for plant protection products
S Duquesne, S Brendel, L Hönemann, M Konschak, M Solé, J Wogram, ...
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