Christophe Kunze
Christophe Kunze
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Virtual reality simulations in nurse education: a systematic mapping review
C Plotzky, U Lindwedel, M Sorber, B Loessl, P König, C Kunze, C Kugler, ...
Nurse education today 101, 104868, 2021
Context-aware mobile health monitoring: Evaluation of different pattern recognition methods for classification of physical activity
LC Jatoba, U Grossmann, C Kunze, J Ottenbacher, W Stork
2008 30th annual international conference of the ieee engineering in …, 2008
Application of ubiquitous computing in personal health monitoring systems
C Kunze, U Grossmann, W Stork, KD Müller-Glaser
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 47 (s1a), 360-362, 2002
Integration of a bluetooth based ECG system into clothing
J Ottenbacher, S Romer, C Kunze, U Großmann, W Stork
Eighth International Symposium on Wearable Computers 1, 186-187, 2004
Using multimedia information and communication technology (ICT) to provide added value to reminiscence therapy for people with dementia
A Bejan, R Gündogdu, K Butz, N Müller, C Kunze, P König
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 51 (1), 9-15, 2018
Unobtrusive in-vehicle biosignal instrumentation for advanced driver assistance and active safety
S Heuer, B Chamadiya, A Gharbi, C Kunze, M Wagner
2010 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES …, 2010
Empirical analysis and ranging using environment and mobility adaptive RSSI filter for patient localization during disaster management
AK Chandra-Sekaran, P Dheenathayalan, P Weisser, C Kunze, W Stork
2009 Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services, 276-281, 2009
Technikgestaltung für die Pflegepraxis: Perspektiven und Herausforderungen
C Kunze
Pflege und Gesellschaft 2017 (2), 130-145, 2017
(Nicht-) Nutzung, Transfer, Verbreitung und Nachhaltigkeit von Gesundheitstechnologien: Deutsche Version des NASSS-Frameworks
C Kunze
A virtual environment gesture interaction system for people with dementia
A Bejan, M Wieland, P Murko, C Kunze
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing …, 2018
Efficient resource estimation during mass casualty emergency response based on a location aware disaster aid network
AK Chandra-Sekaran, G Flaig, C Kunze, W Stork, KD Mueller-Glaser
Wireless Sensor Networks: 5th European Conference, EWSN 2008, Bologna, Italy …, 2008
Virtual reality in healthcare skills training: The effects of presence on acceptance and increase of knowledge
C Plotzky, U Lindwedel, A Bejan, P König, C Kunze
I-com 20 (1), 73-83, 2021
My hands are running away–learning a complex nursing skill via virtual reality simulation: a randomised mixed methods study
C Plotzky, B Loessl, B Kuhnert, N Friedrich, C Kugler, P König, C Kunze
BMC nursing 22 (1), 222, 2023
Systematisierung technischer Unterstützungssysteme in den Bereichen Pflege, Teilhabeunterstützung und aktives Leben im Alter
C Kunze, P König
Umgebungsunterstütztes Leben: Beiträge zum Usability Day XV, 15-21, 2017
A comparison of Bayesian filter based approaches for patient localization during emergency response to crisis
AK Chandra-Sekaran, P Weisser, KD Muller-Glaser, C Kunze
2009 Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications …, 2009
ICT-based support for the collaboration of formal and informal caregivers–a user-centered design study
M Renyi, F Teuteberg, C Kunze
Business Information Systems: 21st International Conference, BIS 2018 …, 2018
Activating people with dementia using natural user interface interaction on a surface computer
R Gündogdu, A Bejan, C Kunze, M Wölfel
Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing …, 2017
Introducing a low-cost ambient monitoring system for activity recognition
S Chiriac, BR Saurer, G Stummer, C Kunze
2011 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2011
Scenario-based design of an ICT platform for mobile information services in ambulatory care nursing
B Rosales Saurer, M Mueller-Gorchs, C Kunze
Connecting Health and Humans, 64-68, 2009
Uncovering the complexity of care networks–towards a taxonomy of collaboration complexity in homecare
M Renyi, P Gaugisch, A Hunck, S Strunck, C Kunze, F Teuteberg
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 31 (3), 517-554, 2022
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Articles 1–20