Kumaresh Sarmah
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Zitiert von
A simple route to prepare polypyrrole-coated filter papers via vapor phase polymerization and their gas sensing application
S Majumdar, K Sarmah, D Mahanta
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2 (5), 1933-1942, 2020
Low return loss slotted rectangular microstrip patch antenna at 2.4 GHz
A Sarma, K Sarmah, KK Sarma
2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated …, 2015
Design of a CSRR based compact microstrip antenna for image rejection in RF down-converter based WLAN receivers
S Goswami, K Sarmah, A Sarma, KK Sarma, S Baruah
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 74, 128-134, 2017
ANN based optimization of resonating frequency of split ring resonator
K Sarmah, KK Sarma, S Baruah
2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Communication Systems …, 2014
Gain and bandwidth enhancement of slotted microstrip antenna using metallic nanofilms for WLAN applications
PA Kashyap, K Sarmah, I Dakua, S Baruah
Journal of King Saud University-Science 35 (1), 102374, 2023
A linear-scaling technique for designing a THz antenna from a GHz microstrip antenna or slot antenna
K Bhattacharyya, S Goswami, K Sarmah, S Baruah
Optik 199, 163331, 2019
DGS based planer UWB antenna with band rejection features
A Sarma, K Sarmah, S Goswami, KK Sarma, S Baruah
2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing …, 2017
Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna Loaded with Complementary Split Ring Resonator for WLAN Applications
K Sarmah, A Sarma, KK Sarma, S Baruah
Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications: Proceedings of …, 2015
Design of a dual-band multilayer antenna and its equivalent circuit modeling with vector-fitting and genetic algorithm
S Goswami, P Borah, K Sarmah, KK Sarma
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 138, 153838, 2021
Surrogate Model Assisted Design of CSRR Structure using Genetic Algorithm for Microstrip Antenna Application.
K Sarmah, S Goswami, S Baruah
Radioengineering 29 (1), 2020
Slot loaded square patch antenna with CSRR at ground plane
S Goswami, K Sarmah, A Sarma, KK Sarma, S Baruah
2016 International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and …, 2016
Artificial neural network based parameter estimation and design optimization of loop antenna
K Sarmah, KK Sarma
International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering 4 (8 …, 2010
Design of a pattern reconfigurable switched parasitic array for null steering application
R Konch, A Sarma, S Goswami, K Sarmah
2018 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering …, 2018
Dispersion pattern of Megacopta cribrarium (Fab.) nymphs on pigeon pea.
BK Borah, SK Dutta, KK Sarmah
An experimental study on designing of a dual band antenna using CSRR structure with a single band antenna
K Sarmah, S Goswami, A Sarma, KK Sarma, S Baruah
2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM …, 2016
Automatic Detection of Diseases from Chest Radiographs Using Image Augmentations and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
J Borah, HK Singh, K Sarmah
2023 4th International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems …, 2023
Design considerations pertaining to the application of complementary split ring resonators in microstrip antennas
S Goswami, K Sarmah, A Sarma, KK Sarma, S Baruah
Emerging Innovations in Microwave and Antenna Engineering, 25-56, 2019
Design of a CSRR based dual band rectangular patch antenna with predictable far field radiation pattern
K Sarmah, S Goswami, KK Sarma, S Baruah
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computers and Devices for …, 2015
An approach for design of size independent simple microstrip antenna with complementary split ring resonator at ground plane
S Goswami, K Sarmah, KK Sarma, S Baruah
2015 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC …, 2015
Microstrip dual band hybrid directional resonator antenna with volume reduction
R Konch, S Goswami, K Sarmah, KK Sarma
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 171, 154889, 2023
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