Thomas Loy
Thomas Loy
Full Professor of Accounting and Accounting Information Systems
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Does community social capital affect asymmetric cost behaviour?
S Hartlieb, TR Loy, B Eierle
Management Accounting Research, 2019
The ChatGPT artificial intelligence chatbot: How well does it answer accounting assessment questions?
DA Wood, MP Achhpilia, MT Adams, S Aghazadeh, K Akinyele, M Akpan, ...
Issues in Accounting Education 38 (4), 81-108, 2023
The impact of using a mobile app on learning success in accounting education
J Voshaar, M Knipp, T Loy, J Zimmermann, F Johannsen
Accounting Education 32 (2), 222-247, 2023
The impact of cost stickiness on financial reporting: evidence from income smoothing
S Hartlieb, TR Loy
Accounting & Finance 62 (3), 3913-3950, 2022
The impact of auditor rotation, audit firm rotation and non-audit services on earnings quality, audit quality and investor perceptions: a literature review
P Velte, T Loy
Journal of Governance and Regulation/Volume 7 (2), 2018
How does the stock market value female directors? International evidence
TR Loy, H Rupertus
Business & Society 61 (1), 117-154, 2022
The effect of generalized trust on cost stickiness: cross-country evidence
S Hartlieb, TR Loy, B Eierle
The International Journal of Accounting 55 (04), 2050018, 2020
Have estimates of cost stickiness changed across listing cohorts?
TR Loy, S Hartlieb
Journal of Management Control 29 (2), 161-181, 2018
An audit is an audit? Evidence from the German private firm sector
T Loy
DBW–Die Betriebswirtschaft 73 (4), 325-353, 2013
Institutional correlates with female board representation
TR Loy, H Rupertus
Finance Research Letters 24, 238-246, 2018
Stakeholder Influence on Earnings Management: Ethical Considerations and Potential Avenues
TR Loy
Corporate Ownership and Control 13, 2016
What impacts learning effectiveness of a mobile learning app focused on first-year students?
F Johannsen, M Knipp, T Loy, M Mirbabaie, NRJ Möllmann, J Voshaar, ...
Information Systems and e-Business Management 21 (3), 629-673, 2023
What Happens if Private Accounting Information Becomes Public? Small Firms’ Access to Bank Debt
S Deno, TR Loy, C Homburg
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 2020
Machine learning techniques for cross-sectional equity returns’ prediction
C Fieberg, D Metko, T Poddig, T Loy
OR Spectrum 45 (1), 289-323, 2023
Machine learning in accounting research
C Fieberg, M Hesse, T Loy, D Metko
Diginomics research perspectives: The role of digitalization in business and …, 2022
A Mobile App to Support Students in the" Transition-in" phase.
F Johannsen, M Knipp, T Loy, J Voshaar, J Zimmermann
ECIS, 2021
Corporate Governance and Cost Management: Evidence from Global Board Reforms
TR Loy, S Hartlieb
Available at SSRN 3792152, 2021
Der „Fall Wirecard “und die aufsichtsrechtliche Bilanzkontrolle
T Loy, S Steuer
Zeitschrift für internationale und kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung …, 2020
Supporting Students in the Transition to Higher Education: Evidence from a Mobile App in Accounting Education
J Voshaar, JO Wecks, F Johannsen, M Knipp, TR Loy, J Zimmermann
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2023
Reform der Corporate Governance und Abschlussprüfung nach dem Wirecard-Skandal: Zum Aktionsplan der Bundesregierung vom 07.10. 2020
T Loy, P Velte
Die Wirtschaftsprüfung (WPg), S 1283, 2020
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