Thomas Meyer
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Which issues do parties emphasise? Salience strategies and party organisation in multiparty systems
M Wagner, TM Meyer
West European Politics 37 (5), 1019-1045, 2014
The Radical Right as Niche Parties? The Ideological Landscape of Party Systems in Western Europe, 1980–2014
M Wagner, TM Meyer
Political Studies, 0
The niche party concept and its measurement
TM Meyer, B Miller
Party Politics 21 (2), 259-271, 2015
Mainstream or niche? Vote-seeking incentives and the programmatic strategies of political parties
TM Meyer, M Wagner
Comparative Political Studies 46 (10), 1246 –1272, 2011
Constraints on Party Policy Change
TM Meyer
ECPR Press, 2013
Partisan Bias in Message Selection: Media Gatekeeping of Party Press Releases
M Haselmayer, M Wagner, TM Meyer
Political Communication, 2017
Meeting the challenges of representation and accountability in multi-party governments
WC Müller, TM Meyer
Accountability and European Governance, 137-164, 2014
Corruption performance voting and the electoral context
A Ecker, K Glinitzer, TM Meyer
European Political Science Review, 2015
Fighting for attention: Media coverage of negative campaign messages
M Haselmayer, TM Meyer, M Wagner
Party Politics 25 (3), 412-423, 2019
Who gets into the papers? Party campaign messages and the media
TM Meyer, M Haselmayer, M Wagner
British Journal of Political Science 50 (1), 281-302, 2020
Issue engagement in election campaigns the impact of electoral incentives and organizational constraints
TM Meyer, M Wagner
Political Science Research and Methods 4 (3), 555-571, 2016
Understanding and Validating the Left-Right Scale
I Budge, TM Meyer
Mapping Policy Preferences from Texts: Statistical Solutions for Manifesto …, 2013
Perceptions of parties’ left-right positions: The impact of salience strategies
TM Meyer, M Wagner
Party Politics, 2018
Coalition bargaining duration in multiparty democracies
A Ecker, TM Meyer
British Journal of Political Science 50 (1), 261-280, 2020
The political dynamics of portfolio design in European democracies
U Sieberer, TM Meyer, H Bäck, A Ceron, A Falcó-Gimeno, I Guinaudeau, ...
British Journal of Political Science 51 (2), 772-787, 2021
The distribution of individual cabinet positions in coalition governments: A sequential approach
A Ecker, TM Meyer, WC Müller
European journal of political research 54 (4), 802-818, 2015
The duration of government formation processes in Europe
A Ecker, TM Meyer
Research & Politics 2 (4), 2053168015622796, 2015
It sounds like they are moving: Understanding and modeling emphasis-based policy change
TM Meyer, M Wagner
Political Science Research and Methods 7 (4), 757-774, 2019
The issue agenda, party competence and popularity: An empirical analysis of Austria 1989–2004
TM Meyer, WC Müller
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 23 (4), 484-500, 2013
Dropping the unitary actor assumption: The impact of intra-party delegation on coalition governance
TM Meyer
Journal of Theoretical Politics 24 (4), 485-506, 2012
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