Lukas Wiewiorra
Cited by
Cited by
Net neutrality: A progress report
J Krämer, L Wiewiorra, C Weinhardt
Telecommunications Policy 37 (9), 794-813, 2013
Network Neutrality and Congestion Sensitive Content Providers: Implications for Content Variety, Broadband Investment, and Regulation
J Krämer, L Wiewiorra
Information Systems Research, 2012
Beyond the flat rate bias: The flexibility effect in tariff choice
J Krämer, L Wiewiorra
Telecommunications Policy 36 (1), 29-39, 2012
Online advertising: the impact of targeted advertising on advertisers, market access and consumer choice
N Fourberg, T Serpil, L Wiewiorra, I Goldovitch, A De Streel, H Jacquemin, ...
European Parliament, 2021
The role of self-control in self-tracking
R Baumgart, L Wiewiorra
Process mining in the rail industry: a qualitative analysis of success factors and remaining challenges
K Smit, J Mens
Consumer perception of mobile telephony tariffs with cost caps
J Krämer, L Wiewiorra
2010 9th Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet, 1-8, 2010
Bit-by-bit towards unlimited: An analysis of zero rating and sponsored data practices of internet service providers
D Schnurr, L Wiewiorra
Calgary: International Telecommunications Society (ITS), 2018
Transparenz und Kontrolle in der Datenökonomie
L Wiewiorra
Wirtschaftsdienst 98 (7), 463-466, 2018
Zur ungleichen ökonomischen Verteilung bei der Datennutzung oder: keine soziale Marktwirtschaft in der digitalen Welt!
A Oehler, M Horn, T Kretschmer, L Wiewiorra, J Krämer, J Haucap, ...
Wirtschaftsdienst: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 98 (7), 2018
Bring it on (e)! personal preferences and traits as influencing factors to participate in BYOD programs
U Ostermann, L Wiewiorra
Datenkapitalismus–eine ökonomische Betrachtung
T Kretschmer, L Wiewiorra, J Krämer, A Oehler, M Horn, J Haucap, ...
Wirtschaftsdienst 98 (7), 459-480, 2018
When ‘just’is just not enough: Why consumers do not appreciate non-neutral internet access services
J Krämer, L Wiewiorra
Business & Information Systems Engineering 57, 325-338, 2015
One of two or two for one?-Analyzing employees’ decisions to dual use devices
U Ostermann, L Wiewiorra, D Franzmann
Interoperabilitätsvorschriften für digitale Dienste: Bedeutung für Wettbewerb, Innovation und digitale Souveränität insbesondere für Plattform-und Kommunikationsdienste
L Wiewiorra, N Steffen, P Thoste, N Fourberg, S Taş, P Kroon, C Busch, ...
WIK-Consult Bericht, 2022
Network Neutrality and Con! gestion Sensitive Content Providers: Implications for Service Innovation
J Kramer, L Wiewiorra
Broadband Investment and Regulation, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology …, 2010
The past, present, and future of (net) neutrality: A state of knowledge review and research agenda
C Hildebrandt, L Wiewiorra
Journal of Information Technology 39 (1), 167-193, 2024
Data caps and Two-sided Pricing: Evaluating Managed Service Business Models.
J Krämer, L Wiewiorra
ECIS, 2014
Continuous improvements: how users perceive updates
D Franzmann, L Wiewiorra, R Holten
Ausbau der digitalen Infrastruktur bis 2025: Welche Wege führen in die› Gigabit-Gesellschaft‹?
J Homann, TJ Gerpott, W Briglauer, I Vogelsang, J Krämer, ...
ifo Schnelldienst 71 (07), 3-21, 2018
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Articles 1–20