Janosch Linkersdörfer
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Grey matter alterations co-localize with functional abnormalities in developmental dyslexia: an ALE meta-analysis
J Linkersdörfer, J Lonnemann, S Lindberg, M Hasselhorn, CJ Fiebach
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e43122, 2012
Symbolic and non-symbolic distance effects in children and their connection with arithmetic skills
J Lonnemann, J Linkersdörfer, M Hasselhorn, S Lindberg
Journal of Neurolinguistics 24 (5), 583-591, 2011
Comorbidities between specific learning disorders and psychopathology in elementary school children in Germany
L Visser, J Kalmar, J Linkersdörfer, R Görgen, J Rothe, M Hasselhorn, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 11, 292, 2020
Domain-specific rapid automatized naming deficits in children at risk for learning disabilities
H Pauly, J Linkersdörfer, S Lindberg, W Woerner, M Hasselhorn, ...
Journal of Neurolinguistics 24 (5), 602-610, 2011
The association between gray matter volume and reading proficiency: a longitudinal study of beginning readers
J Linkersdörfer, A Jurcoane, S Lindberg, J Kaiser, M Hasselhorn, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 27 (2), 308-318, 2015
Gender Differences in Children's Math Self-Concept in the First Years of Elementary School.
S Lindberg, J Linkersdörfer, JH Ehm, M Hasselhorn, J Lonnemann
Journal of Education and Learning 2 (3), 1-8, 2013
The role of ADHD symptoms in the relationship between academic achievement and psychopathological symptoms
L Visser, J Linkersdörfer, M Hasselhorn
Research in developmental disabilities 97, 103552, 2020
Early strategies of elementary school children’s single word reading
S Lindberg, J Lonnemann, J Linkersdörfer, E Biermeyer, C Mähler, ...
Journal of Neurolinguistics 24 (5), 556-570, 2011
Neurokognitive Korrelate der Dyslexie
J Linkersdörfer
Kindheit und Entwicklung, 2010
Gender differences in both tails of the distribution of numerical competencies in preschool children
J Lonnemann, J Linkersdörfer, M Hasselhorn, S Lindberg
Educational Studies in Mathematics 84, 201-208, 2013
Text-fading based training leads to transfer effects on children's sentence reading fluency
T Nagler, SP Korinth, J Linkersdörfer, J Lonnemann, B Rump, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 119, 2015
Developmental changes in the association between approximate number representations and addition skills in elementary school children
J Lonnemann, J Linkersdörfer, M Hasselhorn, S Lindberg
Frontiers in Psychology 4, 783, 2013
Neurokognitive Korrelate der Dyskalkulie
J Lonnemann, J Linkersdörfer, M Hasselhorn, S Lindberg
Kindheit und Entwicklung, 2010
Individual differences in children's early strategy behavior in arithmetic tasks
S Lindberg, J Linkersdörfer, M Lehmann, M Hasselhorn, J Lonnemann
Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 3 (1), 192, 2013
The impact of reading material’s lexical accessibility on text fading effects in children’s reading performance
T Nagler, J Lonnemann, J Linkersdörfer, M Hasselhorn, S Lindberg
Reading and Writing 27 (5), 841-853, 2014
Relations between balancing and arithmetic skills in children–Evidence of cerebellar involvement?
J Lonnemann, J Linkersdörfer, V Heselhaus, M Hasselhorn, S Lindberg
Journal of Neurolinguistics 24 (5), 592-601, 2011
Spatial representations of numbers and letters in children
J Lonnemann, J Linkersdörfer, T Nagler, M Hasselhorn, S Lindberg
Frontiers in psychology 4, 544, 2013
The impact of text fading on reading in children with reading difficulties
T Nagler, J Linkersdörfer, J Lonnemann, M Hasselhorn, S Lindberg
Journal for educational research online 8 (1), 26-41, 2016
Differences in arithmetic performance between Chinese and German children are accompanied by differences in processing of symbolic numerical magnitude
J Lonnemann, J Linkersdörfer, M Hasselhorn, S Lindberg
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1337, 2016
Approximative Mengenrepräsentationen als Grundlage arithmetischer Fertigkeiten
J Lonnemann, J Linkersdörfer, S Lindberg
Diagnostik mathematischer Kompetenzen, 3-12, 2013
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