Andre Weiner
Andre Weiner
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Zitiert von
Computational analysis of single rising bubbles influenced by soluble surfactant
C Pesci, A Weiner, H Marschall, D Bothe
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 856, 709-763, 2018
Advanced subgrid-scale modeling for convection-dominated species transport at fluid interfaces with application to mass transfer from rising bubbles
A Weiner, D Bothe
Journal of Computational Physics 347, 261-289, 2017
Experimental and numerical investigation of reactive species transport around a small rising bubble
A Weiner, J Timmermann, C Pesci, J Grewe, M Hoffmann, M Schlüter, ...
Chemical engineering science: X 1, 100007, 2019
Data‐Driven Subgrid‐Scale Modeling for Convection‐Dominated Concentration Boundary Layers
A Weiner, D Hillenbrand, H Marschall, D Bothe
Chemical Engineering & Technology 42 (7), 1349-1356, 2019
flowTorch-a Python library for analysis and reduced-order modeling of fluid flows
A Weiner, R Semaan
Journal of Open Source Software 6 (68), 3860, 2021
Modeling and simulation of convection-dominated species transfer at rising bubbles
A Weiner
Technical University of Darmstadt, Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, 2020
Robust dynamic mode decomposition methodology for an airfoil undergoing transonic shock buffet
A Weiner, R Semaan
AIAA Journal 61 (10), 4456-4467, 2023
Prediction of wing buffet pressure loads using a convolutional and recurrent neural network framework
R Zahn, A Weiner, C Breitsamter
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 15 (1), 61-77, 2024
Assessment of a subgrid‐scale model for convection‐dominated mass transfer for initial transient rise of a bubble
A Weiner, CMY Claassen, IR Hierck, JAM Kuipers, MW Baltussen
AIChE Journal 68 (7), e17641, 2022
Computing mass transfer at deformable bubbles for high Schmidt numbers
A Weiner, D Gründing, D Bothe
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 93 (1-2), 81-90, 2021
Experimental analysis of longitudinal vortex dynamics
N Rathje, P Ströer, A Weiner, T Knopp, A Probst, R Radespiel
AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum, 3305, 2022
Combining machine learning with computational fluid dynamics using OpenFOAM and SmartSim
T Maric, ME Fadeli, A Rigazzi, A Shao, A Weiner
Meccanica, 1-20, 2024
xROM: a toolkit for reduced-order modeling of fluid flows
R Semaan, D Fernex, A Weiner, B Noack
Backpropagation and gradient descent for an optimized dynamic mode decomposition
A Weiner, R Semaan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.12928, 2023
Model-based deep reinforcement learning for accelerated learning from flow simulations
A Weiner, J Geise
Meccanica, 1-18, 2024
Wing Buffet Pressure Load Prediction Based on a Hybrid Deep Learning Model
R Zahn, A Weiner, C Breitsamter
33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences …, 2022
Simulation and modal analysis of transonic shock buffets on a NACA-0012 airfoil
A Weiner, R Semaan
AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2591, 2022
Chemical Reactions at Freely Ascending Single Bubbles
L Böhm, D Merker, F Strassl, S Herres-Pawlis, M Oßberger, P Klüfers, ...
Reactive Bubbly Flows: Final Report of the DFG Priority Program 1740, 545-581, 2021
Modeling and Simulation of Convection-Dominated Species Transport in the Vicinity of Rising Bubbles
A Weiner, D Bothe
Reactive Bubbly Flows: Final Report of the DFG Priority Program 1740, 329-354, 2021
An optimized dynamic mode decomposition to identify coherent dynamics in noisy flow data
A Weiner, J Geise
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.04868, 2024
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