Zoë Goldsborough
Zoë Goldsborough
University of Konstanz & Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
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Cited by
Do chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) console a bereaved mother?
Z Goldsborough, EJC Van Leeuwen, KWT Kolff, FBM de Waal, CE Webb
Primates 61, 93-102, 2020
Zoo-housed female chimpanzee adopts local female-specific tradition upon immigrating into a new group
Z Goldsborough, CE Webb, FBM de Waal, EJC van Leeuwen
Behaviour 158 (6), 547-564, 2021
The Effect of Visitor Density on the Behaviour of Two Siberian Tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) Housed in a Zoo Enclosure: A
Z Goldsborough
Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research, 2017
Coupling of coastal activity with tidal cycles is stronger in tool-using capuchins (Cebus capucinus imitator)
Z Goldsborough, MC Crofoot, SE Alavi, E Del Rosario-Vargas, SF Garza, ...
Royal Society Open Science 10 (9), 230355, 2023
Individual variation in chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) repertoires of abnormal behaviour
Z Goldsborough, EHM Sterck, FBM de Waal, CE Webb
Animal Welfare 31 (1), 125-135, 2022
Male‐biased stone tool use by wild white‐faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus imitator)
Z Goldsborough, MC Crofoot, BJ Barrett
American Journal of Primatology 86 (4), e23594, 2024
What animal cultures may beget: Comment on" Blind alleys and fruitful pathways in the comparative study of cultural cognition" by Andrew Whiten
EJC van Leeuwen, Z Goldsborough
Physics of Life Reviews 44, 99-101, 2023
Chimpanzees communicate to coordinate a cultural practice
Z Goldsborough, AM Schel, EJC van Leeuwen
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290 (1991), 20221754, 2023
Niche expansion of capuchin monkeys to forest floor on guild‐reduced islands increases interspecific spatio‐temporal overlap
LA Fox‐Rosales, CM Monteza‐Moreno, BJ Barret, Z Goldsborough, ...
Biotropica, e13315, 2024
Coupling of coastal activity with tidal cycles is stronger in tool-using capuchins (Cebus capucinus imitator) Cebus capucinus imitator
Z Goldsborough, MC Crofoot, S Alavi, D Rosario-Vargas, SF Garza, ...
ZoeGold/GHC_initiation: Data and Code GHC Initiation
Z Goldsborough, AM Schel, EJC van Leeuwen
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Articles 1–11