Hanna-Leena Huttunen
Hanna-Leena Huttunen
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Early detection of migraine attacks based on wearable sensors: experiences of data collection using Empatica E4
H Koskimäki, H Mönttinen, P Siirtola, HL Huttunen, R Halonen, J Röning
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2017
Understanding elderly care: a field-study for designing future homes
HL Huttunen, S Klakegg, N Van Berkel, A Visuri, D Ferreira, R Halonen
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Integration …, 2017
Designing a context-aware assistive infrastructure for elderly care
S Klakegg, N van Berkel, A Visuri, HL Huttunen, S Hosio, C Luo, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2017
Exploring use of wearable sensors to identify early symptoms of migraine attack
HL Huttunen, R Halonen, H Koskimäki
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2017
CARE: Context-awareness for elderly care
S Klakegg, KO Asare, N van Berkel, A Visuri, E Ferreira, S Hosio, ...
Health and Technology, 1-16, 2020
Informing Caregivers Through an Assistive Tool: An Investigation of Elderly Care Metrics
S Klakegg, N van Berkel, A Visuri, C Luo, J Goncalves, S Hosio, ...
Proceedings of the 31st British Human Computer Interaction Conference, BCS …, 2017
Puettavat sensorit migreenin ennakko-oireiden tunnistamisessa ja omahoidon tukena migreenipotilaiden näkökulmasta
HL Huttunen
University of Oulu, 2023
Preferred Biosignals to Predict Migraine Attack
HL Huttunen, R Halonen
International Conference on Well-Being in the Information Society, 200-210, 2018
Identifying bottlenecks in work processes: Elderly care
HL Huttunen, R Halonen, D Ferreira
2018 IEEE 6th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for …, 2018
Willingness to Use Smartphone Application Assistant to Support Migraine Treatment
HL Huttunen, R Halonen
Wishes For Wearables From Patients With Migraine
HL Huttunen, R Halonen, H Koskimäki
Leikkaussalihenkilökunnan käyttäjäkokemus sähköisestä anestesiatietojärjestelmästä
HL Huttunen
On assumed usefulness of wearable sensors in early recognition of migraine attacks perceived by patients
HL Huttunen, P Seppänen, R Halonen
Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare 14 (4), 380–391-380–391, 2022
Proposal for Pervasive Elderly Care: A Case Study with Next of Kin
HL Huttunen, R Halonen, S Klakegg
Handbook of Research on Optimizing Healthcare Management Techniques, 54-66, 2020
AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)
HL Huttunen, R Halonen, S Klakegg
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Artikel 1–15