Matthias Fetzer
Matthias Fetzer
Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH
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Full‐block multipliers for repeated, slope‐restricted scalar nonlinearities
M Fetzer, CW Scherer
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 27 (17), 3376-3411, 2017
Absolute stability analysis of discrete time feedback interconnections
M Fetzer, CW Scherer
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 8447-8453, 2017
Invariance with dynamic multipliers
M Fetzer, CW Scherer, J Veenman
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (7), 1929-1942, 2017
Zames–Falb multipliers for invariance
M Fetzer, CW Scherer
IEEE Control Systems Letters 1 (2), 412-417, 2017
A general integral quadratic constraints theorem with applications to a class of sampled-data systems
M Fetzer, CW Scherer
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 54 (3), 1105-1125, 2016
From classical absolute stability tests towards a comprehensive robustness analysis
M Fetzer
Department of Mathematics, University of Stuttgart, 2017
Stability and performance analysis on Sobolev spaces
M Fetzer, CW Scherer
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 7264-7269, 2016
Stability analysis of pulse-modulated systems with an application to space launchers
J Chaudenson, M Fetzer, CW Scherer, D Beauvois, G Sandou, S Bennani, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (19), 494-499, 2013
Multivariable performance analysis of positioncontrolled payloads with flexible eigenmodes
L Mettenleiter, M Fetzer, S Waimer
Proc. of the euspen SIG Precision Motion Systems & Control, 2020
Guaranteeing nanometer positioning under manufacturing and modeling uncertainty
M Fetzer
Multivariable stability analysis of position-controlled payloads with flexible eigenmodes
L Mettenleiter, M Fetzer, S Waimer
euspen’s 21st International Conference & Exhibition, Copenhagen, DK, June 2021, 0
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