Dylan Conger
Dylan Conger
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Effects of high school course-taking on secondary and postsecondary success
MC Long, D Conger, P Iatarola
American Educational Research Journal 49 (2), 285-322, 2012
"Why Are Men Falling Behind? Gender Gaps in College Performance and Persistence."
D Conger, CL Mark
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 627 (1 …, 0
Explaining gaps in readiness for college-level math: The role of high school courses
MC Long, P Iatarola, D Conger
Education Finance and Policy 4 (1), 1-33, 2009
Explaining race, poverty, and gender disparities in advanced course‐taking
D Conger, MC Long, P Iatarola
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 28 (4), 555-576, 2009
Determinants of high schools' advanced course offerings
P Iatarola, D Conger, MC Long
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 33 (3), 340-359, 2011
Within-school segregation in an urban school district
D Conger
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 27 (3), 225-244, 2005
Foster care and school mobility
D Conger, MJ Finkelstein
Journal of Negro Education, 97-103, 2003
How children’s foster care experiences affect their education
D Conger, A Rebeck
New York: New York City Administration for Children’s Services, 2001
Project Confirm: An outcome evaluation of a program for children in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems
D Conger, T Ross
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 4 (1), 97-115, 2006
Undocumented college students in the United States: In-state tuition not enough to ensure four-year degree completion
D Conger, CC Chellman
Education Finance and Policy 8 (3), 364-377, 2013
Testing, time limits, and English learners: Does age of school entry affect how quickly students can learn English?
D Conger
Social Science Research 38 (2), 383-396, 2009
Age of entry and the high school performance of immigrant youth
L Stiefel, AE Schwartz, D Conger
Journal of Urban Economics 67 (3), 303-314, 2010
Immigrant and native-born differences in school stability and special education: Evidence from New York City
D Conger, AE Schwartz, L Stiefel
International Migration Review 41 (2), 403-432, 2007
The effect of Advanced Placement science on students’ skills, confidence, and stress
D Conger, AI Kennedy, MC Long, R McGhee
Journal of Human Resources 56 (1), 93-124, 2021
New benefits of public school pre-kindergarten programs: Early school stability, grade promotion, and exit from ELL services
D Conger, CR Gibbs, Y Uchikoshi, A Winsler
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 48, 26-35, 2019
Does Bilingual Education Interfere with English‐Language Acquisition?*
D Conger
Social Science Quarterly 91 (4), 1103-1122, 2010
Crowdsourcing predictors of behavioral outcomes
JC Bongard, PDH Hines, D Conger, P Hurd, Z Lu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 43 (1), 176-185, 2012
The effect of price shocks on undocumented students' college attainment and completion
D Conger, LJ Turner
Journal of Public Economics 148, 92-114, 2017
Foreign-born peers and academic performance
D Conger
Demography 52 (2), 569-592, 2015
Gender imbalance in higher education: Insights for college administrators and researchers
D Conger, L Dickson
Research in Higher Education 58, 214-230, 2017
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Articles 1–20