Stefan Münzer
Stefan Münzer
Lehrstuhl für Bildungspsychologie, Universität Mannheim
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Computer-assisted navigation and the acquisition of route and survey knowledge
S Münzer, HD Zimmer, M Schwalm, J Baus, I Aslan
Journal of environmental psychology 26 (4), 300-308, 2006
Navigation assistance: a trade-off between wayfinding support and configural learning support.
S Münzer, HD Zimmer, J Baus
Journal of experimental psychology: applied 18 (1), 18, 2012
Learning from multimedia presentations: Facilitation function of animations and spatial abilities
S Münzer, T Seufert, R Brünken
Learning and Individual Differences 19 (4), 481-485, 2009
Entwicklung und Validierung eines Fragebogens zu räumlichen Strategien
S Münzer, C Hölscher
Diagnostica, 2011
Orientation information in wayfinding instructions: evidences from human verbal and visual instructions
VJA Anacta, A Schwering, R Li, S Muenzer
GeoJournal 82, 567-583, 2017
Different interference effects in musicians and a control group
S Berti, S Münzer, E Schröger, T Pechmann
Experimental Psychology 53 (2), 111-116, 2006
Learning routes from visualizations for indoor wayfinding: Presentation modes and individual differences
S Münzer, C Stahl
Spatial Cognition & Computation 11 (4), 281-312, 2011
Bridging the gap between media synchronicity and task performance: Effects of media characteristics on process variables and task performance indicators in an information …
S Münzer, T Holmer
Communication Research 36 (1), 76-103, 2009
Validation of a 3-factor structure of spatial strategies and relations to possession and usage of navigational aids
S Münzer, BCOF Fehringer, T Kühl
Journal of Environmental Psychology 47, 66-78, 2016
Wayfinding and acquisition of spatial knowledge with navigation assistance.
S Münzer, L Lörch, J Frankenstein
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 26 (1), 73, 2020
The role of spatial ability when fostering mental animation in multimedia learning: An ATI-study
B Park, S Münzer, T Seufert, R Brünken
Computers in Human Behavior 64, 497-506, 2016
Text information and spatial abilities in learning with different visualizations formats.
T Kühl, F Stebner, SC Navratil, BCOF Fehringer, S Münzer
Journal of Educational Psychology 110 (4), 561, 2018
Animations and static pictures: The influence of prompting and time of testing
T Kühl, SD Navratil, S Münzer
Learning and Instruction 58, 201-209, 2018
An evaluation of synchronous co-operative distance learning in the field: The importance of instructional design
S Münzer
Educational Media International 40 (1-2), 91-100, 2003
Computer‐mediated communication: Synchronicity and compensatory effort
S Münzer, A Borg
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2008
Facilitating spatial perspective taking through animation: Evidence from an aptitude–treatment-interaction
S Münzer
Learning and Individual Differences 22 (4), 505-510, 2012
Providing individual route instructions for indoor wayfinding in complex, multi-level buildings
S Münzer, C Stahl
GI-Days 2007 Young Researchers Forum 30, 241-246, 2007
Encoding of timbre, speech, and tones: Musicians vs. non-musicians
S Munzer, S Berti, T Pechmann
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling 44 (2), 187, 2002
The future of geographic information displays from giscience, cartographic, and cognitive science perspectives
T Thrash, S Lanini-Maggi, SI Fabrikant, S Bertel, A Brügger, S Credé, ...
14th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2019) 142 …, 2019
Facilitating recognition of spatial structures through animation and the role of mental rotation ability
S Münzer
Learning and Individual Differences 38, 76-82, 2015
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