Verena C. Schreiner
Verena C. Schreiner
RC One Health Ruhr, Faculty of Biology, University of Duisburg Essen
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Pesticide mixtures in streams of several European countries and the USA
VC Schreiner, E Szöcs, AK Bhowmik, MG Vijver, RB Schäfer
Science of the Total Environment 573, 680-689, 2016
Pesticides are the dominant stressors for vulnerable insects in lowland streams
M Liess, L Liebmann, P Vormeier, O Weisner, R Altenburger, D Borchardt, ...
Water Research 201, 117262, 2021
Small streams–large concentrations? Pesticide monitoring in small agricultural streams in Germany during dry weather and rainfall
K Halbach, M Möder, S Schrader, L Liebmann, RB Schäfer, ...
Water research 203, 117535, 2021
Assessing the Mixture Effects in In Vitro Bioassays of Chemicals Occurring in Small Agricultural Streams during Rain Events
PA Neale, G Braun, W Brack, E Carmona, R Gunold, M König, M Krauss, ...
Environmental science & technology 54 (13), 8280-8290, 2020
Paradise lost? Pesticide pollution in a European region with considerable amount of traditional agriculture
VC Schreiner, M Link, S Kunz, E Szöcs, A Scharmüller, B Vogler, B Beck, ...
Water research 188, 116528, 2021
Three reasons why the Water Framework Directive (WFD) fails to identify pesticide risks
O Weisner, J Arle, L Liebmann, M Link, RB Schäfer, A Schneeweiss, ...
Water Research 208, 117848, 2022
Do agricultural pesticides in streams influence riparian spiders?
N Graf, KP Battes, M Cimpean, P Dittrich, MH Entling, M Link, ...
Science of the Total Environment 660, 126-135, 2019
Environmentally relevant fungicide levels modify fungal community composition and interactions but not functioning
P Baudy, JP Zubrod, M Konschak, N Röder, TH Nguyen, VC Schreiner, ...
Environmental Pollution 285, 117234, 2021
Does nutrient enrichment compensate fungicide effects on litter decomposition and decomposer communities in streams?
D Fernández, M Tummala, VC Schreiner, S Duarte, C Pascoal, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 174, 169-178, 2016
Relationship between agricultural pesticides and the diet of riparian spiders in the field
N Graf, KP Battes, M Cimpean, MH Entling, K Frisch, M Link, ...
Environmental Sciences Europe 32, 1-12, 2020
Sampling rates for passive samplers exposed to a field-relevant peak of 42 organic pesticides
VC Schreiner, N Bakanov, M Kattwinkel, S Könemann, S Kunz, ...
Science of the Total Environment 740, 140376, 2020
Land use changes biomass and temporal patterns of insect cross‐ecosystem flows
K Ohler, VC Schreiner, M Link, M Liess, RB Schäfer
Global Change Biology 29 (1), 81-96, 2023
Standartox: Standardizing toxicity data
A Scharmüller, VC Schreiner, RB Schäfer
Data 5 (2), 46, 2020
Temporal scales of pesticide exposure and risks in German small streams
P Vormeier, VC Schreiner, L Liebmann, M Link, RB Schäfer, ...
Science of the Total Environment 871, 162105, 2023
Three perspectives on the prediction of chemical effects in ecosystems
A Schneeweiss, NPD Juvigny‐Khenafou, S Osakpolor, A Scharmüller, ...
Global Change Biology 29 (1), 21-40, 2023
Invertebrate turnover along gradients of anthropogenic salinisation in rivers of two German regions
TDH Le, VC Schreiner, M Kattwinkel, RB Schäfer
Science of the Total Environment 753, 141986, 2021
Pesticide effects on macroinvertebrates and leaf litter decomposition in areas with traditional agriculture
M Link, VC Schreiner, N Graf, E Szöcs, M Bundschuh, KP Battes, ...
Science of the Total Environment 828, 154549, 2022
Similar recovery time of microbial functions from fungicide stress across biogeographical regions
VC Schreiner, A Feckler, D Fernández, K Frisch, K Muñoz, E Szöcs, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 17021, 2018
Potential propagation of agricultural pesticide exposure and effects to upstream sections in a biosphere reserve
A Schneeweiss, VC Schreiner, T Reemtsma, M Liess, RB Schäfer
Science of the Total Environment 836, 155688, 2022
Umsetzung des Nationalen Aktionsplans zur nachhaltigen Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (NAP)—Pilotstudie zur Ermittlung der Belastung von Kleingewässern in der …
M Liess, L Liebmann, M Lück, P Vormeier, O Weisner, K Foit, S Knillmann, ...
Texte Umweltbundesamt, 2022
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Articles 1–20