Alexander W. Schmidt-Catran
Alexander W. Schmidt-Catran
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Applied panel data analysis for economic and social surveys
HJ Andreß, K Golsch, AW Schmidt
Springer, 2013
The random effects in multilevel models: getting them wrong and getting them right
AW Schmidt-Catran, M Fairbrother
European Sociological Review 32 (1), 23-38, 2016
Refugees Unwelcome? Changes in the Public Acceptance of Immigrants and Refugees in Germany in the Course of Europe’s ‘Immigration Crisis’
CS Czymara, AW Schmidt-Catran
European Sociological Review 33 (6), 735-751, 2017
Economic inequality and public demand for redistribution: combining cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence
AW Schmidt-Catran
Socio-Economic Review 14 (1), 119-140, 2016
Immigration and Welfare Support in Germany
AW Schmidt-Catran, DC Spies
American Sociological Review 81 (2), 242-261, 2016
Interactions in fixed effects regression models
M Giesselmann, AW Schmidt-Catran
Sociological Methods & Research, 0049124120914934, 2020
Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty
N Breznau, EM Rinke, A Wuttke, HHV Nguyen, M Adem, J Adriaans, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44), e2203150119, 2022
When size matters: advantages of weighted effect coding in observational studies
M Te Grotenhuis, B Pelzer, R Eisinga, R Nieuwenhuis, A Schmidt-Catran, ...
International Journal of Public Health 62, 163-167, 2017
Depressed during the depression: has the economic crisis affected mental health inequalities in Europe? Findings from the European Social Survey (2014) special module on the …
N Reibling, J Beckfield, T Huijts, A Schmidt-Catran, KH Thomson, ...
The European Journal of Public Health 27 (suppl_1), 47-54, 2017
Multilevel models for the analysis of comparative survey data: Common problems and some solutions
AW Schmidt-Catran, M Fairbrother, HJ Andreß
KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 71 (1), 99-128, 2019
Wer ist in Deutschland willkommen?
CS Czymara, AW Schmidt-Catran
KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 2 (68), 193-227, 2016
Do Parties “Playing the Race Card” Undermine Natives’ Support for Redistribution? Evidence From Europe
AW Schmidt, DC Spies
Comparative Political Studies 47 (4), 519-549, 2014
Getting the within estimator of cross-level interactions in multilevel models with pooled cross-sections: Why country dummies (sometimes) do not do the job
M Giesselmann, AW Schmidt-Catran
Sociological Methodology 49 (1), 190-219, 2019
The Non-uniqueness Property of the Intrinsic Estimator in APC Models
B Pelzer, M te Grotenhuis, R Eisinga, AW Schmidt-Catran
Demography 52 (1), 315–327, 2015
A novel method for modelling interaction between categorical variables
M te Grotenhuis, B Pelzer, R Eisinga, R Nieuwenhuis, A Schmidt-Catran, ...
International journal of public health 62 (3), 427, 2017
Political elite discourses polarize attitudes toward immigration along ideological lines. A comparative longitudinal analysis of Europe in the twenty-first century
AW Schmidt-Catran, CS Czymara
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49 (1), 85-109, 2023
Migration, migrant integration and support for social spending: The case of Switzerland
D Spies, A Schmidt-Catran
Journal of European Social Policy 26 (1), 32-47, 2016
Institutions, culture and migrants’ preference for state-provided welfare. Longitudinal evidence from Germany
AW Schmidt-Catran, R Careja
Journal of European Social Policy 27 (2), 197-212, 2017
The Experience of Social Mobility and the Formation of Attitudes Towards Income Redistribution
A Schmidt
SOCLIFE Working Paper Series, 2011
The Intrinsic Estimator, Alternative Estimates, and Predictions of Mortality Trends: A Comment on Masters, Hummer, Powers, Beck, Lin, and Finch
M Grotenhuis, B Pelzer, L Luo, AW Schmidt-Catran
Demography 53 (4), 1245–1252, 2016
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