Bruno Willenborg
Bruno Willenborg
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Cited by
Linking BIM and GIS Models in Infrastructure by Example of IFC and CityGML
S Vilgertshofer, J Amann, B Willenborg, A Borrmann, TH Kolbe
Computing in civil engineering 2017, 133-140, 2017
Applications of 3D city models for a better understanding of the built environment
B Willenborg, M Sindram, TH Kolbe
Trends in spatial analysis and modelling: decision-support and planning …, 2017
Collaborative multi-scale 3D city and infrastructure modeling and simulation
M Breunig, A Borrmann, E Rank, S Hinz, T Kolbe, M Schilcher, ...
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2017
Solar potential analysis and integration of the time-dependent simulation results for semantic 3D city models using dynamizers
K Chaturvedi, B Willenborg, M Sindram, TH Kolbe
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2017
Integration of semantic 3D city models and 3D mesh models for accuracy improvements of solar potential analyses
B Willenborg, M Pültz, TH Kolbe
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2018
Integration of 3D point clouds with semantic 3D city models–providing semantic information beyond classification
C Beil, T Kutzner, B Schwab, B Willenborg, A Gawronski, TH Kolbe
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2021
Life Cycle Assessment of building energy systems on neighbourhood level based on semantic 3D city models
H Harter, B Willenborg, W Lang, TH Kolbe
Journal of Cleaner Production 407, 137164, 2023
Climate-neutral municipal building stock-life cycle assessment of large residential building stocks based on semantic 3D city models
H Harter, B Willenborg, W Lang, TH Kolbe
Energy and Buildings 292, 113141, 2023
Life cycle assessment of technical building services of large residential building stocks using semantic 3D city models
H Harter, B Willenborg, W Lang, TH Kolbe
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2020
Improving Semantic Segmentation of Roof Segments Using Large-Scale Datasets Derived from 3D City Models and High-Resolution Aerial Imagery
FL Faltermeier, S Krapf, B Willenborg, TH Kolbe
Remote Sensing 15 (7), 1931, 2023
Anwendungsszenarien von Geomassendaten zur Modellierung von Grünvolumen und Solarflächenpotenzial
M Behnisch, M Münzinger, H Poglitsch, B Willenborg
Coupling of traffic simulations and semantic 3d city models
R Ruhdorfer, B Willenborg, M Sindram
gis. Science, 2018
Simulation of explosions in urban space and result analysis based on CityGML City models and a cloud based 3D Web client
B Willenborg
Awesome citygml
O Wysocki, B Schwab, B Willenborg
Semantic 3D city models serving as information hub for 3D field based simulations
B Willenborg, M Sindram, TH Kolbe
Lösungen für eine Welt im Wandel, 54-65, 2016
Deep learning for semantic 3D city model extension: Modeling roof superstructures using aerial images for solar potential analysis
S Krapf, B Willenborg, K Knoll, M Bruhse, TH Kolbe
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2022
Uncertainty analysis of life cycle assessment input parameters on city quarter level
H Harter, B Willenborg, P Schneider-Marin, F Banihashemi, M Vollmer, ...
Building Simulation 2021 17, 1880-1887, 2021
Leitfaden–Urbaner Digitaler Zwilling nach der Methodik der SDDI (Version 1.2)
A Donaubauer, M Knezevic, B Willenborg, S Bobinger, L Morich
Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik, 2023
Integration of 3D point clouds with semantic 3D city models
C Beil, T Kutzner, B Schwab, B Willenborg, A Gawronski, TH Kolbe
Improving CNN roof segment detection by dataset extension using 3D city models
F Faltermeier
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Articles 1–20