Xiangfeng Liu
Xiangfeng Liu
College of Materials Science and Optoelectronic Technology, University of Chinese Academy of
在 ucas.ac.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Facile shape control of Co3O4 and the effect of the crystal plane on electrochemical performance
X Xiao, X Liu, H Zhao, D Chen, F Liu, J Xiang, Z Hu, Y Li
Advanced materials 24 (42), 5762-5766, 2012
Boosting the Electrocatalytic Activity of Co3O4 Nanosheets for a Li-O2 Battery through Modulating Inner Oxygen Vacancy and Exterior Co3+/Co2+ Ratio
J Wang, R Gao, D Zhou, Z Chen, Z Wu, G Schumacher, Z Hu, X Liu
Acs Catalysis 7 (10), 6533-6541, 2017
Boron-doped sodium layered oxide for reversible oxygen redox reaction in Na-ion battery cathodes
YJ Guo, PF Wang, YB Niu, XD Zhang, Q Li, X Yu, M Fan, WP Chen, Y Yu, ...
Nature Communications 12, 5267, 2021
Carbon-Dotted Defective CoO with Oxygen Vacancies: A Synergetic Design of Bifunctional Cathode Catalyst for Li–O2 Batteries
R Gao, Z Li, X Zhang, J Zhang, Z Hu, X Liu
ACS Catalysis 6 (1), 400-406, 2016
Microwave assisted one-pot synthesis of graphene quantum dots as highly sensitive fluorescent probes for detection of iron ions and pH value
C Zhang, Y Cui, L Song, X Liu, Z Hu
Talanta 150, 54-60, 2016
Polyoxometalate-based radiosensitization platform for treating hypoxic tumors by attenuating radioresistance and enhancing radiation response
Y Yong, C Zhang, Z Gu, J Du, Z Guo, X Dong, J Xie, G Zhang, X Liu, ...
ACS nano 11 (7), 7164-7176, 2017
Tuning anionic redox activity and reversibility for a highcapacity Lirich Mnbased oxide cathode via an integrated strategy
Q Li, D Zhou, L Zhang, D Ning, Z Chen, Z Xu, R Gao, X Liu, D Xie, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (10), 1806706, 2019
Systematic Pore-Size Effects of Nanoconfinement of LiBH4: Elimination of Diborane Release and Tunable Behavior for Hydrogen Storage Applications
X Liu, D Peaslee, CZ Jost, TF Baumann, EH Majzoub
Chemistry of Materials 23 (5), 1331-1336, 2011
Improving the oxygen redox reversibility of Li-rich battery cathode materials via Coulombic repulsive interactions strategy
Q Li, D Ning, D Wong, K An, Y Tang, D Zhou, G Schuck, Z Chen, N Zhang, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1123, 2022
The role of oxygen vacancies in improving the performance of CoO as a bifunctional cathode catalyst for rechargeable Li–O 2 batteries
R Gao, L Liu, Z Hu, P Zhang, X Cao, B Wang, X Liu
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (34), 17598-17605, 2015
Tailoring Co3d and O2p Band Centers to Inhibit Oxygen Escape for Stable 4.6 V LiCoO2 Cathodes
W Kong, J Zhang, D Wong, W Yang, J Yang, C Schulz, X Liu
Angewandte Chemie 133 (52), 27308-27318, 2021
Controlling the Decomposition Pathway of LiBH4 via Confinement in Highly Ordered Nanoporous Carbon
X Liu, D Peaslee, CZ Jost, EH Majzoub
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (33), 14036-14041, 2010
Intelligent MoS2 Nanotheranostic for Targeted and Enzyme-/pH-/NIR-Responsive Drug Delivery To Overcome Cancer Chemotherapy Resistance Guided by PET …
X Dong, W Yin, X Zhang, S Zhu, X He, J Yu, J Xie, Z Guo, L Yan, X Liu, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (4), 4271-4284, 2018
New Insights into the Roles of Mg in Improving the Rate Capability and Cycling Stability of O3-NaMn0.48Ni0.2Fe0.3Mg0.02O2 for Sodium-Ion Batteries
C Zhang, R Gao, L Zheng, Y Hao, X Liu
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (13), 10819-10827, 2018
Unveiling the Role of Co in Improving the High-Rate Capability and Cycling Performance of Layered Na0.7Mn0.7Ni0.3–xCoxO2 Cathode Materials for …
ZY Li, J Zhang, R Gao, H Zhang, Z Hu, X Liu
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (24), 15439-15448, 2016
Microwave-assisted facile synthesis of yellow fluorescent carbon dots from o-phenylenediamine for cell imaging and sensitive detection of Fe 3+ and H 2 O 2
L Song, Y Cui, C Zhang, Z Hu, X Liu
RSC advances 6 (21), 17704-17712, 2016
Enhancing the Catalytic Activity of Co3O4 for Li–O2 Batteries through the Synergy of Surface/Interface/Doping Engineering
R Gao, Z Yang, L Zheng, L Gu, L Liu, Y Lee, Z Hu, X Liu
Acs Catalysis 8 (3), 1955-1963, 2018
Understanding the Multiple Effects of TiO2 Coating on NaMn0.33Fe0.33Ni0.33O2 Cathode Material for Na-Ion Batteries
Y Yu, W Kong, Q Li, D Ning, G Schuck, G Schumacher, C Su, X Liu
ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 (1), 933-942, 2020
Ion conducting Li 2 SiO 3-coated lithium-rich layered oxide exhibiting high rate capability and low polarization
E Zhao, X Liu, H Zhao, X Xiao, Z Hu
Chemical communications 51 (44), 9093-9096, 2015
Facile Cycling of Ti-Doped LiAlH4 for High Performance Hydrogen Storage
X Liu, GS McGrady, HW Langmi, CM Jensen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (14), 5032-5033, 2009
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