Hannes Rothe
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Researching digital entrepreneurship: Current issues and suggestions for future directions
F von Briel, L Selander, P Hukal, J Lehmann, H Rothe, D Fürstenau, ...
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 48, 284-304, 2021
Shadow IT Systems: Discerning the Good and the evil.
D Fürstenau, H Rothe
ECIS, 2014
Optimal distinctiveness in platform markets: Leveraging complementors as legitimacy buffers
K Taeuscher, H Rothe
Strategic Management Journal 42 (2), 435-461, 2021
Shadow Systems, Risk, and Shifting Power Relations in Organizations
D Furstenau, H Rothe, M Sandner
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 41 (3), 2017
Shadow IT and business-managed IT: a conceptual framework and empirical illustration
A Kopper, D Fürstenau, S Zimmermann, S Klotz, C Rentrop, H Rothe, ...
International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance (IJITBAG) 9 (2 …, 2018
Configuration in smart service systems: A practice‐based inquiry
L Wessel, E Davidson, AP Barquet, H Rothe, O Peters, H Megges
Information Systems Journal 29 (6), 1256-1292, 2019
Extended generativity theory on digital platforms
D Fürstenau, A Baiyere, K Schewina, M Schulte-Althoff, H Rothe
Information Systems Research 34 (4), 1686-1710, 2023
Leaving the shadow: A configurational approach to explain post-identification outcomes of shadow IT systems
D Fürstenau, H Rothe, M Sandner
Business & information systems engineering 63, 97-111, 2021
Accumulating design knowledge: a mechanisms-based approach
H Rothe, L Wessel, AP Barquet
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 21 (3), 1, 2020
Influential factors for technology-enhanced learning: professionals’ views
P Schweighofer, D Weitlaner, M Ebner, H Rothe
Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning 12 (3), 268-294, 2019
How do entrepreneurial firms appropriate value in bio data infrastructures: an exploratory qualitative study
H Rothe, SL Jarvenpaa, AA Penninger
Competition between platform ecosystems: A longitudinal study of MOOC platforms
H Rothe, K Täuscher, RC Basole
Entrepreneurial framing: How category dynamics shape the effectiveness of linguistic frames
K Taeuscher, H Rothe
Strategic Management Journal 45 (2), 362-395, 2024
Growth, complexity, and generativity of digital platforms: the case of Otto. de
D Fürstenau, H Rothe, M Schulte-Althoff, D Masak, K Schewina, ...
Demonstrating public value to funders and other stakeholders—the journey of ELIXIR, a virtual and distributed research infrastructure for life science data
CS Martin, S Repo, J Arenas Márquez, N Blomberg, KB Lauer, ...
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 92 (3), 497-510, 2021
Knowledge Accumulation in Design-Oriented Research: Developing and Communicating Knowledge Contributions
AP Barquet, L Wessel, H Rothe
Designing the Digital Transformation: 12th International Conference, DESRIST …, 2017
Social networking services in e-learning
P Weber, H Rothe
International Journal on E-Learning 15 (2), 259-279, 2016
Content-Influencer-Fit: Improving Reach and Impact of Content for Influencers in eWOM
H Rothe, S Wicke
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), 2018
Shaping the Boundaries of a Service Ecosystem: The Case of Udacity
H Rothe, F Steier
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017
Macht mit im Web! Anreizsysteme zur Unterstützung von Aktivitäten bei Community-und Content-Plattformen
S Schön
BoD–Books on Demand, 2013
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