Marcel Kern
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Age, emotion regulation strategies, burnout, and engagement in the service sector: Advantages of older workers
SJ Johnson, S Machowski, L Holdsworth, M Kern, D Zapf
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 33 (3), 205-216, 2017
Emotion work: A work psychology perspective
D Zapf, M Kern, F Tschan, D Holman, NK Semmer
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 8 …, 2021
How do leaders' perceptions of organizational health climate shape employee exhaustion and engagement? Toward a cascading‐effects model
AJ Kaluza, SC Schuh, M Kern, K Xin, R van Dick
Human Resource Management 59 (4), 359-377, 2020
Retaining high achievers in times of demographic change: The effects of proactivity, career satisfaction and job embeddedness on voluntary turnover
J Lang, M Kern, D Zapf
Psychology 7, 1545-1561, 2016
The Instrument for Stress-Oriented Task Analysis (ISTA)
JP Irmer, M Kern, K Schermelleh-Engel, NK Semmer, D Zapf
Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie A&O 63 (4), 217-237, 2019
Social job stressors can foster employee well-being: Introducing the concept of social challenge stressors
M Kern, C Heissler, D Zapf
Journal of Business and Psychology 36 (5), 771-792, 2021
Psychological stressors, resources and well-being of surgeons in Germany: A cross-sectional study
M Kern, A Buia, C Tonus, TF Weigel, R Dittmar, E Hanisch, D Zapf
Der Chirurg 90 (7), 576-584, 2019
Ready for change? A longitudinal examination of challenge stressors in the context of organizational change
M Kern, D Zapf
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 26 (3), 204-223, 2021
Emotion work as a source of employee well- and ill-being: The moderating role of service interaction type
M Kern, K Trumpold, D Zapf
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 30 (6), 850-871, 2021
The importance of organizational health climate for employee health: A multilevel cascading model
AJ Kaluza, SC Schuh, M Kern, K Xin, R Van Dick
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 11709, 2018
When thinking about work makes employees reach for their devices: A longitudinal autoregressive diary study
C Heissler, M Kern, S Ohly
Journal of Business and Psychology 37 (5), 999-1016, 2022
When being intrinsically motivated makes you vulnerable: Illegitimate tasks and their associations with strain, work satisfaction, and turnover intention
MJ Fila, NK Semmer, M Kern
Occupational Health Science 7 (2), 189-217, 2023
Emotion regulation and service-related attitudes: Connecting customer orientation and service organization identification with customer interactions
K Trumpold, M Kern, D Zapf
Journal of Service Management Research 5 (4), 270-284, 2021
Psychischer Stress am Arbeitsplatz und Gesundheit
D Zapf, M Kern, K Trumpold, L von Gilsa
Verwaltungspsychologie, 239-266, 2019
"Dear manager, now I know what you expect": Examining availability ambiguity in two studies
C Heissler, S Ohly, M Kern
German Journal of Human Resource Management 38 (3), 259-282, 2024
Effects of emotion-rule dissonance on emotional exhaustion and physiological health: A two-wave study
AD Winkler, D Zapf, M Kern
Applied Psychology: An International Review 73 (2), 540-564, 2024
Energized or distressed by time pressure? The role of time pressure illegitimacy
M Kern, NK Semmer, A Baethge
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 32 (4), 575-598, 2023
Brauchen wir Zeitdruck vielleicht manchmal für echtes Engagement?
M Kern, S Ohly
Personal Quarterly 72 (3), 14-19, 2020
A reverse perspective on emotion work and well-being: Connecting chronic burnout to emotion regulation from an antecedent perspective
K Trumpold, D Zapf, M Kern
International Journal of Stress Management, 2024
Sometimes here, sometimes there - Differential effects of social challenge and hindrance stressors depending on the work location
T Rigotti, M Schilbach, M Kern
Frontiers in Organizational Psychology 2, 2024
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