Robert Lepenies
Robert Lepenies
Karlshochschule International University
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The institutional consequences of nudging–nudges, politics, and the law
R Lepenies, M Małecka
Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (3), 427-437, 2015
Risks of producing and using indicators of sustainable development goals
J Lyytimäki, H Salo, R Lepenies, L Büttner, J Mustajoki
Sustainable Development, 2020
Perception of bottlenecks in the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive
A Zingraff-Hamed, B Schröter, S Schaub, R Lepenies, U Stein, F Hüesker, ...
Water Altern 13 (3), 1-26, 2020
Why does pesticide pollution in water persist?
F Hueesker, R Lepenies
Environmental Science & Policy 128, 185-193, 2022
Barriers to full participation in the open science life cycle among early career researchers
N Gownaris, K Vermeir, MI Bittner, L Gunawardena, S Kaur-Ghumaan, ...
CODATA Data Science Journal 21 (1), 2, 2022
The ethics of behavioural public policy
R Lepenies, M Małecka
The Routledge Handbook of Ethics and Public Policy, 513-525, 2019
Citizen science in deliberative systems: Participation, epistemic injustice, and civic empowerment
L Herzog, R Lepenies
Minerva 60 (4), 489-508, 2022
Beyond individualized responsibility attributions? How eco influencers communicate sustainability on TikTok
B Huber, R Lepenies, L Quesada Baena, J Allgaier
Environmental Communication 16 (6), 713-722, 2022
Making the COVID-19 crisis a real opportunity for environmental sustainability
P Lehmann, MM de Brito, E Gawel, M Groß, A Haase, R Lepenies, D Otto, ...
Sustainability Science 16, 2137-2145, 2021
Discovering the political implications of coproduction in water governance
R Lepenies, F Hüesker, S Beck, M Brugnach
Water 10 (10), 1475, 2018
Citizen science for transformative air quality policy in Germany and Niger
R Lepenies, IS Zakari
Sustainability 13 (7), 3973, 2021
Nudges, Recht und Politik
R Lepenies, M Malecka
Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie, 2016
Is the behavioral approach a form of scientific imperialism? An analysis of law and policy
M Malecka, R Lepenies
Mäki, U., Walsh, A., & Pinto, M. F. (Eds.) Scientific imperialism: Exploring …, 2017
Environmental sustainability post-COVID-19: scrutinizing popular hypotheses from a social science perspective
P Lehmann, S Beck, MM de Brito, E Gawel, M Groß, A Haase, R Lepenies, ...
Sustainability 13 (16), 8679, 2021
Preserve Global South's research capacity
D Reidpath, P Allotey, 166 signatories
Science 368 (6492), 725-725, 2020
Three challenges for behavioural science and policy: the empirical, the normative and the political
R Lepenies, K Mackay, M Quigley
Behavioural Public Policy 2 (2), 174-182, 2018
SDGs at the halfway point: How the 17 global goals address risks and wicked problems
AB Pedersen, T Hickmann, O Renn, N Eckert, K Jax, R Lepenies, HY Liu, ...
Ambio 52 (4), 679-682, 2023
Dimensions of Poverty - Measurement, Epistemic Injustices, Activism
V Beck, H Hahn, R Lepenies
The politics of national SDG indicator systems: A comparison of four European countries
R Lepenies, L Büttner, I Bärlund, K Jax, J Lyytimäki, AB Pedersen, ...
Ambio 52 (4), 743-756, 2023
Interdisciplinary perspectives on poverty measurement, epistemic injustices and social activism
V Beck, H Hahn, R Lepenies
Dimensions of poverty: Measurement, epistemic injustices, activism, 1-20, 2020
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Articles 1–20