Andreea Simona Calude
Andreea Simona Calude
Associate Professor in Linguistics, University of Waikato, NZ
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Ultraconserved words point to deep language ancestry across Eurasia
M Pagel, QD Atkinson, A S. Calude, A Meade
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (21), 8471-8476, 2013
Coding causal–noncausal verb alternations: A form–frequency correspondence explanation1
M Haspelmath, A Calude, M Spagnol, H Narrog, E Bamyaci
Journal of linguistics 50 (3), 587-625, 2014
How do we use language? Shared patterns in the frequency of word-use across seventeen World languages
A Calude, M Pagel
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366, 1101-1107, 2011
The social meaning potential of loanwords: Empirical explorations of lexical borrowing as expression of (social) identity
E Zenner, L Rosseel, AS Calude
Ampersand 6, 100055, 2019
Modelling loanword success–a sociolinguistic quantitative study of Māori loanwords in New Zealand English
AS Calude, S Miller, M Pagel
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 16 (1), 29-66, 2020
The typology and diachrony of higher numerals in Indo-European: a phylogenetic comparative study
AS Calude, A Verkerk
Journal of Language Evolution 1 (2), 91-108, 2016
The role of statistical learning in the acquisition of motion event construal in a second language
J Treffers-Daller, A Calude
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 18 (5), 602-623, 2015
The journey of the four colour theorem through time
AS Calude
Department of Mathematics, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2001
Demonstrative clefts and double cleft constructions in spontaneous spoken English
AS Calude
Studia Linguistica 62 (1), 78-118, 2008
Clefting and extraposition in English
AS Calude
ICAME journal 32, 7-33, 2008
Why some non-catachrestic borrowings are more successful than others: A case study of English loans in German
E Winter-Froemel, A Onysko, A Calude
Language contact around the globe, 119-142, 2014
Linguistic evidence supports date for Homeric epics
EL Altschuler, AS Calude, A Meade, M Pagel
BioEssays 35 (5), 417-420, 2013
Machine translation of various text genres
AS Calude
7th Language and Society Conference of the New Zealand Linguistic Society …, 2003
Dominant words rise to the top by positive frequency-dependent selection
M Pagel, M Beaumont, A Meade, A Verkerk, A Calude
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (15), 7397-7402, 2019
Cleft Constructions in Spoken English
A Calude
VDM Verlag, 2009
Perception and flagging of loanwords–A diachronic case-study of Māori loanwords in New Zealand English
K Levendis, A Calude
Ampersand 6, 100056, 2019
Demonstrative clefts in spoken English
AS Calude
PhD Thesis-University of Auckland, 2008
Wake up New Zealand! Directives, politeness and stance in Twitter# Covid19NZ posts
J Burnette, AS Calude
Journal of Pragmatics 196, 6-23, 2022
Hybrid Hashtags:# YouKnowYoureAKiwiWhen Your Tweet Contains Māori and English
D Trye, AS Calude, F Bravo-Marquez, TT Keegan
Frontiers in artificial intelligence 3, 15, 2020
Comparing the usage of Maori loans in spoken and written New Zealand English: A case study of Maori, Pakeha, and Kiwi
A Onysko, A Calude
New perspectives on lexical borrowing: Onomasiological, methodological, and …, 2013
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