Nicolo Zingales
Nicolo Zingales
Fundação Getulio Vargas
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Cited by
Terms of service and human rights: An analysis of online platform contracts
J Venturini, L Louzada, MF Maciel, N Zingales, K Stylianou, L Belli
Editora Revan, 2016
The implications of venturing down the rabbit hole
J Kaiser, A Rauchfleisch
Internet Policy Review 8 (2), 1-22, 2019
Member State Liability vs. National Procedural Autonomy: What Rules for Judicial Breach of EU Law?
N Zingales
German Law Journal 11 (4), 419-438, 2010
Law of the Land or Law of the Platform? Beware of the Privatisation of Regulation and Police
L Belli, PAP Francisco, N Zingales
The IEEE-SA patent policy update under the lens of EU competition law
N Zingales, O Kanevskaia
European Competition Journal 12 (2-3), 195-235, 2016
Product market definition in online search and advertising
N Zingales
Competition Law Review (2013), 2013
Between a rock and two hard places: WhatsApp at the crossroad of competition, data protection and consumer law
N Zingales
Computer Law & Security Review 33 (4), 553-558, 2017
Crowdsourcing ideas as an emerging form of multistakeholder participation in internet governance
R Radu, N Zingales, E Calandro
Policy & Internet 7 (3), 362-382, 2015
Platform regulations: how platforms are regulated and how they regulate us
L Belli, D Erdos, M Fernández Pérez, PAP Francisco, K Garstka, J Herzog, ...
Leeds, 2017
Mapping multistakeholderism in Internet governance: Implications for Africa
E Calandro, AN Gillwald, N Zingales
Available at SSRN 2338999, 2013
European and American Leniency Programmes: Two Models Towards Convergence?
N Zingales
Competition Law Review 5 (1), 2008
Data subjects as data controllers: a Fashion (able) concept?
L Edwards, M Finck, M Veale, N Zingales
Internet Policy Review, 2019
Of coffee pods, videogames, and missed interoperability: Reflections for EU governance of the internet of things
N Zingales
TILEC Discussion Paper, 2015
Injunctive relief in disputes related to standard-essential patents: time for the CJEU to set fair and reasonable presumptions
P Larouche, N Zingales
European Competition Journal 10 (3), 551-596, 2014
European and American leniency programme: Two models towards convergence?(2008)
N Zingales
Competition Law Review 5 (1), 2008
Data protection considerations in EU competition law: funnel or straightjacket for innovation?
N Zingales
The roles of innovation in competition law analysis, 79-130, 2018
The Brazilian approach to internet intermediary liability: blueprint for a global regime?
N Zingales
Calgary: International Telecommunications Society (ITS), 2014
Digital Copyright,'Fair Access' and the Problem of DRM Misuse
N Zingales
Boston College Intellectual Property & Technology Forum, 2012
Virtues and perils of anonymity: Should intermediaries bear the burden
N Zingales
J. Intell. Prop. Info. Tech. & Elec. Com. L. 5, 155, 2014
The Hearing Officer in EU Competition Law Proceedings: Ensuring Full Respect for the Right to Be Heard?
N Zingales
Competition Law Review 7 (1), 2010
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Articles 1–20