Rebecca Glauber
Rebecca Glauber
Professor of Sociology, University of New Hampshire
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Parental educational investment and children’s academic risk: Estimates of the impact of sibship size and birth order from exogenous variation in fertility
D Conley, R Glauber
Journal of human resources 41 (4), 722-737, 2006
Race and gender in families and at work: The fatherhood wage premium
R Glauber
Gender & Society 22 (1), 8-30, 2008
Marriage and the motherhood wage penalty among African Americans, Hispanics, and Whites
R Glauber
Journal of Marriage and Family 69 (4), 951-961, 2007
Gender, body mass, and socioeconomic status: new evidence from the PSID
D Conley, R Glauber
The economics of obesity 17, 253-275, 2006
Trends in the motherhood wage penalty and fatherhood wage premium for low, middle, and high earners
R Glauber
Demography 55 (5), 1663-1680, 2018
All in the family?: Family composition, resources, and sibling similarity in socioeconomic status
D Conley, R Glauber
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 26 (4), 297-306, 2008
Limited access: Gender, occupational composition, and flexible work scheduling
R Glauber
The Sociological Quarterly 52 (3), 472-494, 2011
Do traditional fathers always work more? Gender ideology, race, and parenthood
R Glauber, KL Gozjolko
Journal of marriage and family 73 (5), 1133-1148, 2011
Women’s work and working conditions: Are mothers compensated for lost wages?
R Glauber
Work and occupations 39 (2), 115-138, 2012
Gender differences in spousal care across the later life course
R Glauber
Research on aging 39 (8), 934-959, 2017
Sibling similarity and difference in socioeconomic status: life course and family resource effects
D Conley, R Glauber
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005
Wealth mobility and volatility in black and white
D Conley, R Glauber
Center for American Progress, 2008
Family background, race, and labor market inequality
D Conley, R Glauber
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 609 (1 …, 2007
The wage penalty for parental caregiving: has it declined over time?
R Glauber
Journal of Marriage and Family 81 (2), 415-433, 2019
Gender, spousal caregiving, and depression: Does paid work matter?
R Glauber, MD Day
Journal of Marriage and Family 80 (2), 537-554, 2018
On the fringe: Family-friendly benefits and the rural–urban gap among working women
R Glauber, JR Young
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 36, 97-113, 2015
Wanting more but working less: involuntary part-time employment and economic vulnerability
RK Glauber
Durham, NH: Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire, 2013
Exploring the spatial wage penalty for women: Does it matter where you live?
KE Smith, R Glauber
Social Science Research 42 (5), 1390-1401, 2013
Rural depopulation and the rural‐urban gap in cognitive functioning among older adults
R Glauber
The Journal of Rural Health 38 (4), 696-704, 2022
Involuntary part-time employment: A slow and uneven economic recovery
RK Glauber
Durham, NH: Carsey School of Public Policy, University of New Hampshire, 2017
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