Rita Guerra
Rita Guerra
Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention, ISCTE-IUL
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A Common Ingroup Identity: Categorization, Identity, And Intergroup Relations
T Gaertner, S. L., Dovidio, J. F., Guerra, R., Hehman, E., & Saguy
Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination, 433-454, 2016
The relationship between the Brexit vote and individual predictors of prejudice: Collective narcissism, right wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation
A Golec de Zavala, R Guerra, C Simão
Frontiers in psychology 8, 2023, 2017
Collective narcissism predicts hypersensitivity to in–group insult and direct and indirect retaliatory intergroup hostility
A Golec de Zavala, M Peker, R Guerra, T Baran
European Journal of Personality 30 (6), 532-551, 2016
Low Self-Esteem Predicts Out-group Derogation via Collective Narcissism, but this Relationship Is Obscured by In-group Satisfaction
MC Agnieszka Golec de Zavala, Christopher M. Federico, Constantine Sedikides ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2020
How should intergroup contact be structured to reduce bias among majority and minority group children?
R Guerra, M Rebelo, MB Monteiro, BM Riek, EW Mania, SL Gaertner, ...
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 13 (4), 445-460, 2010
Group status drives majority and minority integration preferences
E Hehman, SL Gaertner, JF Dovidio, EW Mania, R Guerra, DC Wilson, ...
Psychological Science 23 (1), 46-52, 2012
The common in-group identity model
SL Gaertner, JF Dovidio, R Guerra, M Rebelo, MB Monteiro, BM Riek, ...
Intergroup attitudes and relations in childhood and through adulthood, 204-219, 2008
School achievement and well-being of immigrant children: The role of acculturation orientations and perceived discrimination
R Rita Guerra (Guerra, RB Ricardo Borges Rodrigues (Rodrigues, ...
Journal of School Psychology, 2019
Do we need them? When immigrant communities are perceived as indispensable to national identity or functioning of the host society
R Guerra, SL Gaertner, R António, M Deegan
European Journal of Social Psychology 45 (7), 868-879, 2015
An intergroup approach to collective narcissism: Intergroup threats and hostility in four European Union countries
C Guerra, R., Bierwiaczonek, K., Ferreira, M., Golec de Zavala, A ...
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 2020
The common ingroup identity model and the development of a functional perspective: A cross-national collaboration
S Gaertner, R Guerra, M Rebelo, J Dovidio, E Hehman, M Deegan
The social developmental construction of violence and intergroup conflict …, 2016
Good refugees, bad migrants? Intergroup helping orientations toward refugees, migrants, and economic migrants in Germany
K Wyszynski, M. C., Guerra,R., & Bierwiaczonek
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2020
Translating recategorization strategies into an antibias educational intervention
R Guerra, M Rebelo, MB Monteiro, SL Gaertner
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 43 (1), 14-23, 2013
Teses em Ciências Socias - Dicas Muito Práticas
R Neves, P., & Guerra
Edições Sílabo, 2015
Human and Global Identities: Different Prototypical Meanings of All‐Inclusive Identities
J Carmona, M., Sindic, D., Guerra, R., & Hofhuis
Political Psychology, 2020
Identity Inclusiveness and Centrality: Investigating Identity Correlates of Attitudes toward Immigrants and Immigration Policies
SL Espinosa, A. Guerra, R., Sanatkar, S., Paolini, S., Damigella, D ...
Journal of Social Issues, 1-26, 2018
The Functional and Identity Indispensability Scale (FIIS)
R Guerra, R., Rodrigues, D., Gaertner, S. L., Deegan, M., & Antonio
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 54, 34-46, 2016
Early interventions tackling inequalities experienced by immigrant, low-income, and Roma children in 8 European countries: a critical overview
C Aguiar, CS Silva, R Guerra, RB Rodrigues, LA Ribeiro, G Pastori, ...
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 28 (1), 58-76, 2020
Stay away or stay together? Social contagion, common identity, and bystanders’ interventions in homophobic bullying episodes
C António, R. Guerra, R., & Moleiro
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 2020
Cyberbullying during COVID-19 lockdowns: prevalence, predictors, and outcomes for youth
R António, R Guerra, C Moleiro
Current psychology 43 (2), 1067-1083, 2024
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