Henrik Asmuth
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Cited by
Analytical body forces in numerical actuator disc model of wind turbines
JN Sørensen, K Nilsson, S Ivanell, H Asmuth, RF Mikkelsen
Renewable energy 147, 2259-2271, 2020
Optimising power take-off of an oscillating wave surge converter using high fidelity numerical simulations
P Schmitt, H Asmuth, B Elsäßer
International journal of marine energy 16, 196-208, 2016
Actuator line simulations of wind turbine wakes using the lattice Boltzmann method
H Asmuth, H Olivares-Espinosa, S Ivanell
Wind Energy Science 5 (2), 623-645, 2020
The characteristics of helically deflected wind turbine wakes
H Korb, H Asmuth, S Ivanell
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 965, A2, 2023
The actuator line model in lattice Boltzmann frameworks: numerical sensitivity and computational performance
H Asmuth, H Olivares-Espinosa, K Nilsson, S Ivanell
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1256 (1), 012022, 2019
Wind turbine response in waked inflow: A modelling benchmark against full-scale measurements
H Asmuth, GPN Diaz, HA Madsen, E Branlard, ARM Forsting, K Nilsson, ...
Renewable Energy 191, 868-887, 2022
Wall-modeled lattice Boltzmann large-eddy simulation of neutral atmospheric boundary layers
H Asmuth, CF Janßen, H Olivares-Espinosa, S Ivanell
Physics of fluids 33 (10), 2021
IEA Wind TCP Task 29, Phase IV: Detailed Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines
JG Schepers, K Boorsma, HA Madsen, GR Pirrung, G Bangga, G Guma, ...
Determination of non-linear damping coefficients of bottom-hinged oscillating wave surge converters using numerical free decay tests
H Asmuth, P Schmitt, A Henry, B Elsaesser
Renew 2014, 2014
Exploring the application of reinforcement learning to wind farm control
H Korb, H Asmuth, M Stender, S Ivanell
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1934 (1), 012022, 2021
IEA Wind TCP Task 29
JG Schepers, K Boorsma, HA Madsen, GR Pirrung, G Bangga, G Guma, ...
Phase IV: Detailed Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines, 2021
Actuator line model using simplified force calculation methods
GP Navarro Diaz, AD Otero, H Asmuth, JN Sørensen, S Ivanell
Wind Energy Science 8 (3), 363-382, 2023
Assessment of weak compressibility in actuator line simulations of wind turbine wakes
H Asmuth, CF Janßen, H Olivares-Espinosa, K Nilsson, S Ivanell
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1618 (6), 062057, 2020
How Fast is Fast Enough? Industry Perspectives on the Use of Large-eddy Simulation in Wind Energy
H Asmuth, H Korb, S Ivanell
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2505 (1), 012001, 2023
Wakenet 0.1-a simple three-dimensional wake model based on convolutional neural networks
H Asmuth, H Korb
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2265 (2), 022066, 2022
Dependence of wind turbine loads on inlet flow field
ØW Hanssen-Bauer, JB De Vaal, M Tutkun, H Asmuth, S Ivanell, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1618 (6), 062065, 2020
Efficient Large-eddy Simulation for Wind Energy Applications
H Asmuth
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2022
Final report of Task 29, Phase IV: Detailed Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines
JG Schepers, K Boorsma, HA Madsen, GR Pirrung, G Bangga, G Guma, ...
Technical Report of IEA TCP Wind Task 29, Zenodo [report], https://doi. org …, 2021
Comparison of three DWM-based wake models at above-rated wind speeds
ØW Hanssen-Bauer, P Doubrawa, HA Madsen, H Asmuth, J Jonkman, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2505 (1), 012054, 2023
Comparison of wake flow, power and load measurements from three mid-fidelity wake models based on the DWM approach
ØW Hanssen-Bauer, JB de Vaal, M Tutkun, R Stenbro, P Doubrawa, ...
Wind Energy Science Conference 2021, 2021
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Articles 1–20