Meredith Rosenthal
Meredith Rosenthal
Professor of Health Economics and Policy, Harvard School of Public Health
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Early experience with pay-for-performance: from concept to practice
MB Rosenthal, RG Frank, Z Li, AM Epstein
Jama 294 (14), 1788-1793, 2005
A decade of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs
JM Donohue, M Cevasco, MB Rosenthal
New England Journal of Medicine 357 (7), 673-681, 2007
Promotion of prescription drugs to consumers
MB Rosenthal, ER Berndt, JM Donohue, RG Frank, AM Epstein
New England Journal of Medicine 346 (7), 498-505, 2002
Systematic review: effects, design choices, and context of pay-for-performance in health care
P Van Herck, D De Smedt, L Annemans, R Remmen, MB Rosenthal, ...
BMC health services research 10, 1-13, 2010
Paying for quality: providers’ incentives for quality improvement
MB Rosenthal, R Fernandopulle, HSR Song, B Landon
Health Affairs 23 (2), 127-141, 2004
What is the empirical basis for paying for quality in health care?
MB Rosenthal, RG Frank
Medical Care Research and Review 63 (2), 135-157, 2006
Pay for performance in commercial HMOs
MB Rosenthal, BE Landon, SLT Normand, RG Frank, AM Epstein
New England Journal of Medicine 355 (18), 1895-1902, 2006
Defining and measuring integrated patient care: promoting the next frontier in health care delivery
SJ Singer, J Burgers, M Friedberg, MB Rosenthal, L Leape, E Schneider
Medical Care Research and Review 68 (1), 112-127, 2011
Pay-for-performance: will the latest payment trend improve care?
MB Rosenthal, RA Dudley
Jama 297 (7), 740-744, 2007
Nonpayment for performance? Medicare's new reimbursement rule
MB Rosenthal
New England Journal of Medicine 357 (16), 1573-1575, 2007
Association between participation in a multipayer medical home intervention and changes in quality, utilization, and costs of care
MW Friedberg, EC Schneider, MB Rosenthal, KG Volpp, RM Werner
Jama 311 (8), 815-825, 2014
Can you get what you pay for? Pay‐for‐performance and the quality of healthcare providers
KJ Mullen, RG Frank, MB Rosenthal
The Rand journal of economics 41 (1), 64-91, 2010
Choosing wisely—the politics and economics of labeling low-value services
NE Morden, CH Colla, TD Sequist, MB Rosenthal
The New England journal of medicine 370 (7), 589, 2014
Levers for addressing medical underuse and overuse: achieving high-value health care
AG Elshaug, MB Rosenthal, JN Lavis, S Brownlee, H Schmidt, S Nagpal, ...
The Lancet 390 (10090), 191-202, 2017
The geographic distribution of physicians revisited
MB Rosenthal, A Zaslavsky, JP Newhouse
Health services research 40 (6p1), 1931-1952, 2005
Choosing wisely: prevalence and correlates of low-value health care services in the United States
CH Colla, NE Morden, TD Sequist, WL Schpero, MB Rosenthal
Journal of general internal medicine 30, 221-228, 2015
Demand effects of recent changes in prescription drug promotion
MB Rosenthal, ER Berndt, JM Donohue, AM Epstein, RG Frank
Forum for Health Economics & Policy 6 (1), 2003
Beyond pay for performance—emerging models of provider-payment reform
MB Rosenthal
New England Journal of Medicine 359 (12), 1197-1200, 2008
A systemic approach to containing health care spending
E Emanuel, N Tanden, S Altman, S Armstrong, D Berwick, F De Brantes, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 367 (10), 949-954, 2012
Using behavioral economics to design physician incentives that deliver high-value care
EJ Emanuel, PA Ubel, JB Kessler, G Meyer, RW Muller, AS Navathe, ...
Annals of internal medicine 164 (2), 114-119, 2016
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Articles 1–20