Yi Chen
Yi Chen
DZNE Magdeburg, Germany
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Statistical inference and multiple testing correction in classification-based multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA): random permutations and cluster size control
J Stelzer, Y Chen, R Turner
Neuroimage 65, 69-82, 2013
Predictors of hemorrhagic transformation after intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator: prognostic value of the initial apparent diffusion coefficient and …
M Selim, JN Fink, S Kumar, LR Caplan, C Horkan, Y Chen, I Linfante, ...
Stroke 33 (8), 2047-2052, 2002
Corpus callosum: musician and gender effects
DJ Lee, Y Chen, G Schlaug
Neuroreport 14 (2), 205-209, 2003
Big-loop recurrence within the hippocampal system supports integration of information across episodes
R Koster, MJ Chadwick, Y Chen, D Berron, A Banino, E Düzel, ...
Neuron 99 (6), 1342-1354. e6, 2018
Encoding the identity and location of objects in human LOC
RM Cichy, Y Chen, JD Haynes
Neuroimage 54 (3), 2297-2307, 2011
Cortical surface-based searchlight decoding
Y Chen, P Namburi, LT Elliott, J Heinzle, CS Soon, MWL Chee, ...
Neuroimage 56 (2), 582-592, 2011
Repetitive TMS temporarily alters brain diffusion
FM Mottaghy, M Gangitano, C Horkan, Y Chen, A Pascual-Leone, ...
Neurology 60 (9), 1539-1541, 2003
To pool or not to pool: Can we ignore cross-trial variability in FMRI?
G Chen, S Padmala, Y Chen, PA Taylor, RW Cox, L Pessoa
NeuroImage 225, 117496, 2021
Corpus callosum: musician and gender effects. NeuroReport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 14 (2), 205–209
DJ Lee, Y Chen, G Schlaug
Multivariate decoding of fMRI data: Towards a content-based cognitive neuroscience
J Heinzle, S Anders, S Bode, C Bogler, Y Chen, RM Cichy, K Hackmack, ...
e-Neuroforum 18 (1), 1-16, 2012
Beyond topographic representation: decoding visuospatial attention from local activity patterns in the human frontal cortex
C Kalberlah, Y Chen, J Heinzle, JD Haynes
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 21 (2), 201-210, 2011
Scale-specific analysis of fMRI data on the irregular cortical surface
Y Chen, RM Cichy, W Stannat, JD Haynes
NeuroImage 181, 370-381, 2018
Multivariate Dekodierung von fMRT-Daten: Auf dem Weg zu einer inhaltsbasierten kognitiven Neurowissenschaft
J Heinzle, S Anders, S Bode, C Bogler, Y Chen, RM Cichy, K Hackmack, ...
e-Neuroforum 18 (1), 160-177, 2012
Decoding visuospatial attention from local activity patterns in the human frontal cortex
C Kalberlah, Y Chen, J Heinzle, JD Haynes
17th Annual Meeting of the Organisation on Human Brain Mapping, 2011
Attentional topographic maps revealed in cortical population vectors during randomized covert shifts of visual attention
C Kalberlah, Y Chen, JD Haynes
Neuroscience 2010 (40th annual meeting), Society for Neuroscience, 2010
Invariant Representation of Objects in Human Visual Cortex
Y Chen, JD Haynes
NeuroImage 47, S133, 2009
Invariant decoding of object categories from V1 and LOC across different colors, sizes and speeds
Y Chen, JD Haynes
Journal of Vision 8 (6), 37-37, 2008
Invariant decoding of object categories from V1 and LOC across different colours, sizes, and speeds
Y Chen, JD Haynes
PERCEPTION 37, 167-167, 2008
The functional anatomy of pitch memory: An fMRI-study with sparse temporal sampling
N Gaab, T Zaehle, C Gaser, Y Chen, G Schlaug
NEUROLOGY 58 (7), A264-A265, 2002
Diffusion MRI predictors of hemorrhagic transformation after intravenous thrombolysis: Value of intial lesion volume and Acute Diffusion Coefficient
MH Selim, JN Fink, S Kumar, LR Caplan, I Linfante, Y Chen, C Horkan, ...
NEUROLOGY 58 (7), A338-A339, 2002
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