Josef Ruppenhofer
Cited by
Cited by
FrameNet II: Extended theory and practice
J Ruppenhofer, M Ellsworth, M Schwarzer-Petruck, CR Johnson, ...
International Computer Science Institute, 2016
Overview of the germeval 2018 shared task on the identification of offensive language
M Wiegand, M Siegel, J Ruppenhofer
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018
Detection of abusive language: the problem of biased datasets
M Wiegand, J Ruppenhofer, T Kleinbauer
Proceedings of the 2019 conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2019
Inducing a lexicon of abusive words–a feature-based approach
M Wiegand, J Ruppenhofer, A Schmidt, C Greenberg
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2018
FrameNet in action: The case of attaching
CJ Fillmore, MRL Petruck, J Ruppenhofer, A Wright
International journal of lexicography 16 (3), 297-332, 2003
FrameNet's frames vs. Levin's verb classes
CF Baker, J Ruppenhofer
Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 27-38, 2002
Beyond alternations: A constructional model of the German applicative pattern
J Ruppenhofer, LA Michaelis
csli Publications, 2001
Semeval-2010 task 10: Linking events and their participants in discourse
J Ruppenhofer, C Sporleder, R Morante, CF Baker, M Palmer
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 45-50, 2010
Overview of germeval task 2, 2019 shared task on the identification of offensive language
JM Struß, M Siegel, J Ruppenhofer, M Wiegand, M Klenner
sa, 2019
Framenet: Theory and practice
CR Johnson, M Schwarzer-Petruck, CF Baker, M Ellsworth, ...
International Computer Science Institute, 2016
Detecting arguing and sentiment in meetings
S Somasundaran, J Ruppenhofer, J Wiebe
Proceedings of the 8th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, 26-34, 2007
A constructional account of genre-based argument omissions
J Ruppenhofer, LA Michaelis
Constructions and frames 2 (2), 158-184, 2010
Discourse level opinion interpretation
S Somasundaran, J Wiebe, J Ruppenhofer
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational …, 2008
Finding the sources and targets of subjective expressions
J Ruppenhofer, S Somasundaran, J Wiebe
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2008
FrameNet: Theory and practice
J Ruppenhofer, M Ellsworth, MRL Petruck, CR Johnson
On-line publication at http://framenet. icsi. berkeley. edu, 2005
Implicitly abusive language–what does it actually look like and why are we not getting there?
M Wiegand, J Ruppenhofer, E Eder
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2021
Framenet and representing the link between semantic and syntactic relations
CJ Fillmore, J Ruppenhofer, CF Baker
Frontiers in linguistics 1, 19-59, 2004
Framenet ii: Extended theory and practice (2006)
J Ruppenhofer, M Ellsworth, MRL Petruck, CR Johnson, J Scheffczyk
URL http://framenet. icsi. berkeley. edu/book/book. pdf, 2012
Yes we can!? Annotating the senses of English modal verbs
J Ruppenhofer, I Rehbein
LREC 2012, Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2012
The FrameNet project: Tools for lexicon building
C Johnson, CJ Fillmore, E Wood, J Ruppenhofer, M Urban, M Petruck, ...
Manuscript. Berkeley, CA, International Computer Science Institute, 2001
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Articles 1–20