Morteza Shahrezaye
Cited by
Cited by
Social media and microtargeting: Political data processing and the consequences for Germany
O Papakyriakopoulos, S Hegelich, M Shahrezaye, JCM Serrano
Big Data & Society 5 (2), 205395171881184, 2018
The rise of Germany's AfD: A social media analysis
JCM Serrano, M Shahrezaye, O Papakyriakopoulos, S Hegelich
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on social media and society …, 2019
Social Media und Microtargeting in Deutschland
O Papakyriakopoulos, M Shahrezaye, A Thieltges, JC Medina Serrano, ...
Informatik-Spektrum 40, 327-335, 2017
The communication behavior of German MPs on Twitter: preaching to the converted and attacking opponents
S Hegelich, M Shahrezaye
European Policy Analysis 1 (2), 155-174, 2015
Automated processing of panoramic video content using machine learning techniques
S Hegelich, M Rondinelli, GT Anderson, K Hegelich, M Shahrezaye, ...
US Patent App. 14/988,209, 2017
Social Media Report: The 2017 German Federal Elections
JCM Serrano, S Hegelich, M Shahrezaye, O Papakyriakopoulos
The rise of Germany’s AfD: A social media analysis
JC Medina Serrano, M Shahrezaye, O Papakyriakopoulos, S Hegelich
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Social Media and Society …, 2019
Measuring the ease of communication in bipartite social endorsement networks: a proxy to study the dynamics of political polarization
M Shahrezaye, O Papakyriakopoulos, JCM Serrano, S Hegelich
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Social Media and Society …, 2019
COVID-19’s (mis) information ecosystem on Twitter: How partisanship boosts the spread of conspiracy narratives on German speaking Twitter
M Shahrezaye, M Meckel, L Steinacker, V Suter
Advances in Information and Communication: Proceedings of the 2021 Future of …, 2021
Die Disruption der Meinungsbildung: die politische Debatte in Zeiten von Echokammern und Filterblasen
S Hegelich
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2017
Distorting political communication: The effect of hyperactive users in online social networks
O Papakyriakopoulos, M Shahrezaye, JCM Serrano, S Hegelich
IEEE INFOCOM 2019-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops …, 2019
COVID-19 induced misinformation on YouTube: An analysis of user commentary
M Shahrezaye, V Suter, M Meckel
Frontiers in Political Science, 26, 2022
The political dashboard: A tool for online political transparency
JCM Serrano, O Papakyriakopoulos, M Shahrezaye, S Hegelich
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 14 …, 2020
Estimating the Political Orientation of Twitter Users in Homophilic Networks
M Shahrezaye, O Papakyriakopoulos, JCM Serrano, S Hegelich
AAAI 2019 Spring Symposium Series, 2019
Social media and microtargeting: Political data processing and the consequences for Germany. Big Data and Society, 5 (2), 1-15
O Papakyriakopoulos, S Hegelich, M Shahrezaye, JCM Serrano
AI Suffrage: A four-country survey on the acceptance of an automated voting system
V Suter, M Meckel, M Shahrezaye, L Steinacker
Disruptions to Political Opinion: Political Debate in the Age of Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles
S Hegelich, M Shahrezaye
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2017
Estimating the political orientation of twitter users using network embedding algorithms
M Shahrezaye, M Meckel, S Hegelich
Journal of Applied Business and Economics 22 (14), 2020
The communication behavior of German MPs on Twitter: Reaching to the converted and attacking enemies
S Hegelich, M Shahrezaye
MPSA Conference, 2014
Morteza Shahrezaye, Fabienne Marco
J Bayraktar, S Hegelich
The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods, 445, 2022
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Articles 1–20